[Supersport takes fundie asshattery to a whole new level]
All Aboard! Everyone hop on the Darwinist holocaust train!
Well the everyone grab your ticket! The dark side is going to make it that every man, woman and child has free health care. It's not exactly the same, but for me it brings back images of the jews being led towards the death showers in Germany.
I'm thoroughly confused. How is free healthcare the same as gassing people to death? In fact, what has free healthcare got to do with Darwinism?
Then again, why am I asking these questions?
It's like asking, what kind of brain does supersport have?
What is evil about free, universal health care? Health care = nazi death camps?
Over that last six months or so, it seems CARM has replaced Rapture Ready as the home of the most ignorant and assoholic posters.
Darwin= free health care? No. Free health care would go against the principle of survival of the fittest. The weak would manage to stay alive if everyone could afford to visit the doctor.
Free health care= Holocaust? No. Under a system of nationalized health care, doctors cannot and do not profit from performing unnecessary tests or procedures. It's the exact opposite of Nazi profiteering, as a matter of fact.
And who exactly is "the everyone"?
I'm thoroughly confused. How is free healthcare the same as gassing people to death?
I think this person is confusing the fact that liberals (always evil!) support free health care as well as teaching evolution. So if you support one you must support the other? Or if everyone gets equal treatment that is analogous to all Jews being treaed equally in the Holocaust? Or the fact that if you have one big government program it enexorably leads to totalitarian dictatorships?
Honestly, there's just so many interpretations to this passage it's impossible to pick just one. A real James Joyce with language, this guy!
Darwinism = universal healthcare = death by gassing in extermination camps?
God forbid that all Americans have access to healthcare. Why, that would invalidate all the suffering people went through in the concentration camps!
You're REALLY that stupid, supersport? I'm speechless...
Supersport, if aliens landed near your house, and you were the first human they met, they would destroy all life on Earth, for the good of the Universe.
@CT: Check out bugmenot, you might find an account to log on with there ;) And ss is really worth a look. He may be the idol of all conspiracy theorists, and he is lying, and contradicting himself (he is not very coherent), and generally a cheap laugh. But he is good at being just that!
Well it's obvious, isn't it? All Evolutionists are Liberals, all Liberals are Communists, and all Communists are Nazis. If a=b=c, then a=c. It's freakin' algebraic , you can't argue with that.
I'm actually with Prager on this one - this post really reads like a troll.
If I haven't read so much other stupidity and non sequiturs from supersport, I'd be calling troll.
Instead I find him losing it completely, absolutely hysterically funny!
Reaching much there Supersport?
Canada is not a concentration camp and it has socialized health care.
I really don't like socialized health care.
As we all know, Darwin was a Nazi (who somehow was a Nazi before they even existed) and supported universal health care, AKA death. Oh, and hated Jews too.
It all makes sense now! Wait, no, it doesn't. You're a lunatic.
So... because I live in a country that offers free healthcare to all, I should be careful next time I visit the doctor in case she gasses me to death?
Holy crap, you really are insane, aren't you?
Supersport claims that medicine is really poison and doctors are supressing the knowledge that eating right and exercising are the only ways to stay healthy so they can keep making money. He said at the end of his post that people should live drug and doctor free. The hilarious thing is that even supersports' wife doesn't buy his bullshit, because he said in the post she has a yearly gynecological exam!
First of all...death showers? I realize the GAS CHAMBERS were trussed up to resemble mass showers, but they were not actual showers moron.
Secondly, I don't see how state healthcare is at all analogous to the holocaust or what it has to do with the Darwinist Holocaust.
I know christianity is not the cause of stupidity but stupidity does tend to be the cause of christianity, I mean you can believe in nay sh¡t if you believe that Darwin = Holocaust and that Holocaust = Free Health Care and that Dark Side that kills people based on their race or such other frivolities = Side which offers chances of survival to everyone regardless of age, race or sex. Now I wonder in a world where intelligence were enough to have, at worst, atheism just as in this world we have, at worst, fundies. What would be the lowest levels at that point? I mean, even if humanity advanced beyond religions, atheism is no automatic symptom of intelligence, I know pretty dumb atheists and being an agnostic myself atheists have my respect in that part... But I wonder after reading this, since stupidity can take so many forms, this one being a most remarkable one, how would it's equivalent be in an atheist mind.... Naaah, impossible, not even the dumbest atheist can be as dumb as the smartest fundie and this guy is certainly not their foremost.
It's not exactly the same, but...
I'll say that again.
I think supersport believes people are forced to be treated against their will?
Healing =/= Killing
That isn't true anyway. If he wants to stay at home and die, he's more than welcome to do so.
Herle King might be on to something. I'm no believer myself, but I do know quite a few christians. Some of them passed grade school with glowing top grades, and some of them, In lack of other words, fell through the bottom of measurable crapness. And these guys do actually worry me. They could say a thing like this.
Curing fever, fighting cancer. You might as well kill them right now. They can't, I guess, be happy if they are... umm... not dying of a terminal illness, which they couldn't afford having a doctor look at...
I think this person was referring to how healthcare has, to an extent, halted natural selection - wants to add chlorine to the gene pool, as it were.
WTF?!?! How can you even compare free health care to the Haulocaust?! What does that have to do with anything?! I have diabetes and NO health insurance; don't even start that shit with me. If I couldn't at least get my insulin I would have been dead a few months ago; at least the drug companies are willing to help people. Now I know why we don't have universal health care in the US yet, because the idiot fundies who run this country think treating illness somehow goes against God's will or some shit. I can't even wrap my mind around it. Fuck you, eat shit and die. image
I stopped showering, since the soap brings back images of the jews being led towards the death showers in Germany :'(
(the worst part is that my sarcasm makes more sence than supersport)
"Well the everyone grab your ticket! The dark side is going to make it that every man, woman and child has free health care"
A bit late, aren't you? We in the UK have had the National Health Service since the late 1940s. We're still here.
A physically healthy population results in a financially healthy nation, I think you'll find, Stuporsport.
I think supersport believes people are forced to be treated against their will?
According to the ethics of the Common Defence/General Welfare/Individual Liberty framework, one could probably force treatment or quarantine if the subject is a public health hazard.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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