The thing is that some people believe that the windows of heaven is an astronomical repulsive force and as the windows open the force increases.
They reckon the force changes time so that in the time of the flood the windows of heaven caused time to pass faster so as they opened up to billions of years passed by in 5 months.
If it happens whilst God opening the window then how come the flood on cleared when he stopped them? Why are people looking for ways to explain the flood?
It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth.
So, god opens a window in the sky and a billions years pass by in five months? How did Noah survive a billion years? Wouldn't he have aged a billion years in those five months? If not, then your...can't even call that an hypothesis...holds absolutely no water (pun intended).
? There seems to be some words missing? There also seems to be some jumbled up words!
If it happens whilst God opening the window then how come the flood on cleared when he stopped them?
Please learn English and get back to us!
"If it happens whilst God opening the window then how come the flood on cleared when he stopped them? Why are people looking for ways to explain the flood? "
If god doesn't exist why do you accept anything that follows? People are not looking for ways to explain the flood because there was no flood.
"It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth. "
"It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth."
Another example of how God could solve the poverty and famine problem, but chooses not to? In other words, another example of how your God is a sadistic bastard.
"The thing is that some people believe that the windows of heaven is an astronomical repulsive force and as the windows open the force increases."
Yes, but most of these people are locked up in lunatic asylums.
"They reckon the force changes time so that in the time of the flood the windows of heaven caused time to pass faster so as they opened up to billions of years passed by in 5 months."
Obviously. I mean, how else would it work? Anything else would just be silly.
"If it happens whilst God opening the window then how come the flood on cleared when he stopped them? Why are people looking for ways to explain the flood?
It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth."
You're surely one of the strangest people I've yet seen quoted here.
It's no secret that religious leaders have known for a long time that knowledge and reason are detrimental to maintaining faith in the "Truth" of religious myths and dogma. In The God Delusion , Prof. Dawkins includes several quotes from Martin Luther warning believers about the dangers of reason.
Large numbers of Christians have heeded his and others warnings about thinking too much, thus comments like Sassy here.
Sad really.
Why are people looking for ways to explain the flood?
Why indeed. After all, isn't the Bible supposed to be taken on faith? Except, even the fundie creationists who crow about faith ultimately know that most people like evidence and explanations. It's a side effect of the fact that science gives them that and so much more. Religion cannot possibly compete if it doesn't at least pretend to have some evidence and explanations. Maybe that's why creationists are attacking science at every opportunity and why the Texas school board wants to do away with critical thinking. They want to go back to the days when everything COULD be taken on faith alone.
"Why are people looking for ways to explain the flood?
It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth."
I'm sure that NASA, the relevant meteorological establishments around the world, and the likes of John Glenn, Valentina Tereshkova, Alexey Leonov, Dr. Buzz Aldrin, Yang Liwei, and the current crew of the International Space Station would agree with you, Sass. [/hyper-sarcasm]
"windows of heaven"
You therefore admit that Ceiling Derpy is real . All hail the Holy Muffin!
"Why are people looking for ways to explain the flood?"
YOUR peers are trying to explain the flood because YOU people can't accept that it's fiction.
"It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth."
Then why does he let kids starve?
If by the "people" you refer to are scientists, they aren't looking to explain a worldwide flood, because there wasn't one, just a large regional flood that inspired the story that wasn't meant to be taken literally in the first place.
All hail the Ceiling Derpy! Hail the holy muffin! And hail the ponydivine mystery. "I just don't know what went wrong."
Huh... She's like a kinder, gentler Demiurge. She messed up but admits it.
Kölsch? Far too egalitarian a brew for the likes of these folks.
(The story goes that Marx remarked to the effect that the revolution could never start in Cologne, because the bosses and the workers drank in the same bars.)
The thing is that some people believe that the windows of heaven is an astronomical repulsive force ..
Only idiots would do that!
They reckon the force changes time...
The idiots maybe but no scientist would ever say something as stupid as you just did!
It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth.
No, but it seems pretty obvious you are so stupid you'll believe any nonsense including the three letters g,o,d!
Oh God, I can't take it. Someone two thousand years ago writes down the phrase "windows of heaven" as a clear metaphor and someone two thousand years later, in a country with vast wealth and easy access to unprecedented knowledge, TAKES IT LITERALLY.
Note that the second person is not related to the first person, either by blood or culture. They live in completely different places and times, on different continents. Yet somehow the second person has been persuaded that every single syllable of one translation of the random scribblings of someone in the middle east two thousand years is literally true. I just can't get my head around it.
Would this window from heaven be the same place that will open up, pouring out the angel michael blowing his trumpet, and jeebus descending to save all the faithful? Really. Your religion sounds as story book as humpty dumpty, peter pan, or alice in wonderland. In case you religionist wonder why we gawdless dont believe in your would be similar to why we dont believe in Cinderella, or the easter bunny, or the.....etc.
"It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth."
What channel would that be exactly? HBO? Showtime? I would like to know so I can take part in claiming this abundance of anything.
Oh boy... I can't wait until these people start freaking out over Darren Aronofsky's upcoming Noah movie, what with the fallen angels and the environmentalist themes... it's going to be fun, fun, fun.
"The thing is that some people believe that the windows of heaven is an astronomical repulsive force.."
Well, beliefs can be stupid and wrong.
Case and point.
Tell me, did you also go "no no no, it may look like he doesn't exist, but he totally does, he's just awesome at hiding!" when you learned that Santa wasn't real? Face it, A Wizard Did It isn't an appropriate answer to any real world question.
You must have provided the other children with hours of entertainment when you were a kid: someone gullible enough to not only believe any old crap, no matter how implausible, but also to defend it out of either misplaced trust in the ones who told you that fib or out of unwillingness to admit that you had been had? That's a godsend for any aspiring prankster! :P
Of course, if you grow up without losing these traits that also makes you a prime target for any scammer, con artist or religious huckster. That's a tad less funny/endearing...
Let me see, why are people trying to explain the flood?, because it's illogical and hasn't happened again in our lifetime?, because it contradicts laws of physics that otherwise work?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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