Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years for wanting to allow GAYS into our house.
True story. So we hadn't moved in yet, but she has a gay cousin who she said would stay with us for trips to visit us, once we have a house and even if we have kids.
I'm a Christian and she says she is, then when confronted about what the Bible says about the Sodomites she rejects it out of hand because "it's family though".
I said no, family or not, I will never associate with those filthy God haters. No compromise with the reprobates of this world. The Sodomite agenda will never push it's way into my home.
I've had people tell me I'm crazy and I'm a fool for throwing away a perfectly good relationship. But to anyone who hasn't completely lost their mind, accepting and loving pedophiles is absolute INSANITY.
Judge me or hate me if you want, I'm not out to seek approval from man and I'm choosing to stand on the Word of God even if it causes temporary unhappiness or persecution.
How many people out there have still not been bewitched by this filthy agenda?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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