I know most Conservative Jews and Christians support Israel,but I wonder why Liberals seem to hate Israel,or it LIBERALS ARE A BUNCH OF BIGOTED FREEDOM HATERS.
I don't know that most liberals hate Israel, but it's hard to take them seriously as a bastion of Western secularism as long as they keep mistreating the people they share their land with, and I think it's safe to say that the secular Zionists and kibbutzniks would be spinning in their graves (that is, if such a thing ever happened) to see the tolerant country they hoped to create converted into a xenophobic hybrid of democracy and hardline theocracy -- are they trying to be the Singapore of the Middle East?
I don't believe every horror story I hear from the intifada because of the massive antisemitic propaganda machine in the countries surrounding them. But at the same time I'm not convinced that Israel has anything even remotely resembling a moral high ground, and I think that the current state of the country should be an embarrassment to Jews everywhere.
Is you think Isreals "Free" or represents freedom, you have no concept of the word. Three converging uncomprimising religions, strict rules on travel, terrorism, Yo-Yo economy dependant on the western world. It's hardly Disneyland. Take a trip there or study up.
And "Liberals" are those in influence during the stable, freeer and safer times
Again with the broad brushstrokes. You're not very good at this, are you?
I consider myself quite liberal. I believe in gay marriage, universal health care, public education, and keeping guns out of the hands of the wrong people. However, I also support Israel. I mean, almost militantly. The so-called Palestinians are actual Saudis who want to make a country that never existed, they have no claim to the land, and need to go back to their own country, which is Saudi Arabia. Israel belongs to the Israeli's. Are the Israeli Arabs. Yes, and they can stay. There are American Arabs, British Arabs, why can't there be Israeli Arabs. But "Palestinian" Arabs? No such thing. Never have been. They don't want to be Israeli Arabs, so they can go back to Saudi Arabia.
I apologize if any of that comes off as "fundie", I'm aware of the hypocrisy, and-well, what can I say, I'm not perfect.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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