Tony Perkins #fundie

So if natural disasters are sent by God to punish us for legalizing same-sex marriage, what does it mean when a flood destroys the home of one of the biggest anti-gay bigots in the country?

That’s the question that should be asked of Tony Perkins, since he is now living out of an RV because a flood drove him and his family out of their Louisiana home, forcing them to escape in a canoe.

During a Family Research Council radio show on Wednesday, Perkins explained that once the water reached ten feet high his family loaded up in the boat and floated toward safety. They attempted to seek a place to stay but were denied by one shelter. So they sought refuge in the home of a former member of their church.

Perkins is also still trying to figure out why God would smite his home.

“We’re gonna look for what God’s gonna do in this,” Perkins said. “I’m asking those questions and I’m going to see.”

Usually, it’s customary to feel sympathy for people who suffer losses due to flooding, but this is a special kind of irony that needs special commentary.

As we all know, conservative “Christians” are constantly telling us that whenever there is an earthquake or a hurricane or a flood that it’s punishment by God over homosexuality or abortion or some other social issue that has them all in a tizzy, especially when that natural disaster doesn’t affect them personally.

Now, the idea that God is sending natural disasters to punish people is complete bullshit, but let’s just pretend for a moment that that is the case. The Perkins household just got severely damaged by a “flood of biblical proportions” as stated by Perkins himself, and they were driven out of their home.

So by conservative logic, that must mean that he is being punished for something. And since Perkins is an anti-gay bigot who wants to suppress women’s rights, one could easily surmise that God is sending Perkins a message to stop being a dick toward other human beings. You know, actually love your neighbor and treat others the way you want to be treated.

But Perkins will likely fail to see that message. He’ll just twist it to his own advantage. Because when it comes right down to it, conservative “Christians” think natural disasters are only sent to punish others, but when they are affected personally they believe it’s only sent by God to test their faith. In other words, complete and total hypocrisy.

The moral of the story, however, should be that conservatives should stop claiming that disasters are punishments by God, because there is a such thing as karma and Tony Perkins is learning that the hard way.



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