Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Hagel's forced resignation is another false flag to put Obama in a corner, blame him for all the bad things, where the World Order is the one and only entity moving all events and puppet presidents including Obama. The secret society mainly in Britain and America.

It's also to make people's subconscious mind believe Obama's the real evil, a dictator, an Islamic terrorist, turning into Kim Yong Un.

To blame Obama for all the mess that's going to happen and which will lead to America's downfall.

Obama IS a puppet. Hagel is a puppet too. Don't be fooled.

If Hagel was really bad and knew all the secrets, he'd be killed instantly in an accident. Remember John F kennedy, Robin Cook of Britain, and so on..

Open up your mind. Every little thing that comes out of the media is a total lie and has some significance behind it you would'nt understand unless you no longer believe the media.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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