David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
There have been conspiracies by the billions throughout history. One of the biggest lies ever fabricated was that there are no conspiracies. Folks, conspiracies are an inherent part of mankind's sinful nature. Anytime two or more people get together and plan to do wrong, they are conspiring. Why is it so hard to accept the word CONSPIRACY? The deaths of 2,752 American citizens on 911 was the result of a diabolical conspiracy involving the Bush family, the Bush Administration, the Bin Laden family, the global billionaire elite, and others. Only a fool who is wearing blinders would say that the Bush administration wasn't involved in carrying out 911.
It was president Bush who signed Presidential decision directive W199-eye to protect the terrorists. It's been in every publication from the Wall Street Journal to the Washington Times. I guess you can't believe this either. No legitimate investigation has ever been done into what really happened on 911. That in itself is damning evidence against The Bush Administration, CIA, FBI and other Harvard and Yale graduates. They're all in bed together. Harvard and Yale are breeding grounds for the New World Order.
Why would George Bush sign presidential directive W199i to block the FBI and defense intelligence from investigating the terrorist? Several FBI and CIA agents have actually filed lawsuits against the Bush Administration for obstruction of justice and abetting terrorists (their lawyer is nationally known, David Schippers). David Schippers is right, he said "Once you've had license, tyranny is next." What is license? "License" is "Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices; Excessive freedom; lack of due restraint." President George W. Bush signed legal documents to protect the terrorists... It's the smoking gun of 911. Wake up sheeple!