Sam Nelson #racist
Benjamin Freedman, RIP, your hope continues:
Using the word Jew will not suffice, what must happen is the total destruction of the Jews “Holocaust” myth. The Banker King, ie, King of the world, owns Reuters and the Associated Press, from which all other News and other Media get their talking points, and, world history. As long as the lie that is the Jews’ Holocaust lie, ie, there were/are no blue stains on any of the walls of the so called gas chambers, therefore no gassing could have taken place, using Zyklon B, or any other gas.
No blue stains, no residue, still the Press and the talking heads in Hollywood and on Television say six million Jews, gassed to death, by the white Germans, WW2? We, who are the truth tellers, we, must cry out even louder: NO JEWS’ HOLOCAUST. We must cry louder, longer, until the whole world hears our cry, then the Liar’s back will be broken, humanity’s freedom from the Jew insured.
As it is with the Jew-owning the discourse, every chance and I do mean every chance the Jew gets, somewhere in every documentary, in every movie, in every conversation, always the lie of the “six million” pops up, comes out, is maneuvered into the stew. The stew white children eat up like it is Mom’s home cooking.
Little children are taught this lie until they learn to hate their own kind, so they run off with other species of humans not like their own, so they become self-haters, so they deny their own gender, so they trumpet the lies of the Jews as if the lies are the truth. The first step to freedom from the liars that are the Jews, and the Gentiles working for the Jews, is separation from the Jews’ Holocaust lie. After that, the Jew has nothing left to hide behind.
Separation begins with the children, a generation of white American children not burdened down by the lie that is the Jews’ Holocaust lie, would go a long way toward breaking the hold the Jews and their Gentile Politicians and Judges have over US and other nations wherein white people are the majority.
As long as the Jews’ Holocaust Lie prevails over all the world, the whole world will be under the foot of the Jewish King in England. As long as this, there can be no justice, there can be no justice without truth, all the truth, nothing but the truth. Without Justice, there can be no freedom, this should be so clear to any concerned about the future of their children and, the future of the world. Liberty, finds its soul in Justice, the right to tell the truth, is the epitome of Justice.
I ask of every writer, of you Brother, I ask, we all do like the crooked Jews do, we too should mention the “six million” as the lie it is and in everything we write, find a slot to slip it in, teach the truth as they teach the lie. Swamp, not like draining the swamp, swamp, as in filling the swamp, filling the swamp with the truth about WW2, proving the “six million” lie to be a lie, in every other sentence we write, pound it, drive, wear it out and then start again, until the whole world of people know: WE, HAVE BEEN HAD BY THE LIE THAT IS THE SIX MILLION—
We, like the destruction of Jericho, we must surround the lie that is the six million and blow our horns of truth until the walls of the fortress they hide behind, that is, the Jews’ Holocaust Lie, falls down to the ground, the enemy inside, his chest laid bare, his lies proved to be lies, his very heart outside his body, easy to cut off and cut up.
We must tear their house down, their house is the construct that is the Jews’ Holocaust Lie. If we go into the schools, willing to face the Judges who are along with the Police, the Jews’ executioners, if we do it in a way that there are just too many of us to jail, that we are too persistent to resist, that we fill the schools with the sweet taste of truth, until the children beg for it.
Then and only then will we have Liberty, then and only then can we be Free, then and only then will this ship of lies that are the Jews and their six million lie, be turned around and headed toward a better port, a port wherein we, the people, can have Justice — and by Justice we will find our Liberty, again. We don’t need the Politicians to do this, we just need to do it.