Anonymous Coward #fundie

I'm also starting to see some merit in the theory that receiving the 'mark of the beast' (likely through an implant in the hand or forehead)will result in the DNA upgrade so called ET's are always talking about.

They make it sound like they are just helping us to improve our lives and evolve.And indeed those that take it may have much expanded lifespans and other superhuman abilities.

But in reality they are merely turning mankind into nephilims and corrupting our DNA from the image of God it was intended to be.

When the earth was infested with these hybrids before God had to nearly exterminate mankind because almost all flesh was corrupt besides noahs.

After the mark of the beast is instilled and men start willingly turning themselves into hybrids God will cleanse the earth of the curse of the fallen one last time.

Perhaps thats why the judgement against those with the mark is so harsh and swift.Gods mercy is only for the sons of Adam.Those who freely accept the bloodline of the fallen will receive the judgement of the fallen.



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