Navaros #fundie

[about the scientific method]

What you should do is:

1) Stop assuming darwinism is true just because you want it to be true.

2) Stop lying all the time by saying that evolution is fact, science, and has evidence; it is not, and is not, and has none.

3) Repent from your ungodly lifestyle and behaviours.

4) Stop pretending that you would ever discard darwinism; because you darn well know that you will always believe it is true, no matter what, period and you and your kind spin any and all evidence that destroys it as 'evidence for it '. Put more simply, stop trying to fool the naive into believing darwinism is science and you are open-minded enough to discard darwinism one day; because everyone knows that is just more lies from you (you must be taking lessons from ken miller who told similar lies at the Dover trial...or maybe its just all part of the standard darwinist playbook).



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