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Hunger Games - MOCKINGJAY : Satanic Deception at work - Mockingjay is Mocking "J" ( Mocking JESUS )

Because so many people went on a tangent about Jesus. Let me simplify it:

Think about this;
Why call it a Mockingjay? Why not a repeatingjay? Or an echoingjay? Or a copyingjay? Or a parrotjay? Or anything else that goes with echoing or copying?
Why M O C K I N G J A Y?
Who are they mocking?
Or, to be specific, WHAT are they mocking?
When you mock, you reduce a value.
So, what are they trying to elevate by mocking your spriitual powers?

MOCKING JESUS is not about mocking a hairy bearded man dressed in red and blue. Its about mocking YOUR SPIRITUAL CONNECTIONS.

SO if you have understood this part, you will know that it is doing something to reduce your own spiritual value. A reduction in your spiritual value is dangerous, as the vacuum will be filled by other things.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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