And the World Economy is sinking deeper into a serious DEPRESSION --- idiots lament why. Anyone with half a brain realizes that GOD is simply stepping aside and saying, "GOD HIMSELF couldn't sink this ship? INDEED! Why should I bother when a mere iceberg will do the trick."
You mock GOD by mocking HIS institutions and GOD will let you hang yourself trying to run the show as you will.
Well, considering that so many devout and loyal fundie right-wingers are near the bottom of the socioeconomic scale, and hence will suffer the most from this crisis, all this demonstrates is that your angry god hasn't improved his shitty aim.
Anyone with half a brain realizes that inflation and recession is all part of how economics work.
I'm pretty sure that Bush's little war on terrorism has more to do with the recent recession (if you think this is a depression, you're beyond retarded) than any religious deity. Perhaps you dipshits should try stimulating the economy by making a few purchases instead of boycotting every company that doesn't subscribe to your hatred for homosexuals.
And here was me thinking it was caused by, among other similarly real things, financial institutions irresponsibly lending money to people and other institutions they knew were incapable of paying it back.
But why take a reasonable explanation when you can use it to pull a flying invisible man out of your ass, hey?
The market crash has less to do with your imaginary friend than it does with the fact that we've had 8 years of Republicans in power. Granted, you'd think someone on either side would have seen it coming, but then again, McCain was one of those people crying out for deregulation.
Here's a tip: too much government is bad for honest people, not enough government leads to dishonest people getting their way. Regulation in the markets is insurance against this sort of collapse. What happens when a bunch idiots like McCain call for deregulation? Perfect example. Of course, he's flip-flopped on that issue but he'll never admit it.
So God is financially punishing the 85% of the US population that is Christian because 15% are not. Right.
BTW, we're not in a depression. The debate hasn't even been settled on wether or not we're in a recession.
<<Sarcasm at full power!>>
No, no, no, no, no! This is the work of the divine kami, because we haven't been offering them their sacremental rice or sake, let alone setting up temples and ritually purifying ourselves! Doesn't anyone remember what happened when the Koreans tried to invade Japan centuries ago?? A typhoon took out their entire navy! That's divine intervention! Are you going to continue to try their patience by praying to your imaginary Mary-sue of a deity??
"Good morning, Wrath of God, Inc., Financial Division. How may I help you? What's that? A severe and lengthy recession? Why certainly, sir, we'll get on it right away."
Okay, have it your way. Go on god, do your thing.
Well, nothing's happening so I guess it's back to the drawing board.
Guess God got in a better mood since and is now buoying the economy again. He's really pleased with the Chinese and rather pleased with us in Scandinavia too, but still a bit pissed off at Greece, Ireland and Portugal. He's not really sure about the Americans yet...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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