Last time I was in Japan, which was about 3 years ago, I noticed quite a few African men there, working as nightclub promoter types. I was disgusted that Japan is allowing them in. Their behavior is completely incompatible with Japan, just like Japanese would be completely incompatible with life in Africa. I wish Japan would take better care of its country and not allow any of this nonsense. They should look at what has happened in Europe.
The perfect number of refugees and African immigrants is zero. Japan has no need or obligation to take in any more than zero.
The refugee racket is nothing other than national suicide, as Europeans are now realizing, several million "refugees" too late.
This is the pernicious influence of Hollywood. The bar and club owners, many of whom are Yakuza, have been infected with the absurd notion that blacks are "hip" and "cool" no doubt from watching too many American movies and TV shows. They think the Africans will lure foreign tourists and naive locals into their slummy gin joints. I hate being accosted by them while walking through Roppongi, which is why I try to avoid the area. I remember one time while walking through there after a seeing a concert with my friend one of these Africans gave me his tired sales pitch for some nudie bar and I told him, "No, thanks." He, with classic aplomb, responded with, "You white boys, always no thanks." I retorted with a firm, "Drop dead." I went to Japan to get away from these uncivilized brutes!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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