Oh look, it's KiddyDiddlingCondoner4God again.
"Christians are pro-life"
Hosea 13:16. Therefore your 'God' is anti-life.
Unless you're prepared to denounce your own 'God' as an apostate to his own believers' doctrines, declare him a heretic and condemn him to Hell, then thank you for proving your own hypocrisy.
...but then, Kiddy Diddling deity (he & the underage child bride Mary), Kiddy Diddling Condoning Believers.
Josh Buggar. He has destroyed the whole concept of 'Sin'.
Is Josh 'Saved' because he is a righteous Christian? Tony Alamo too? Yes or No.
We await your answer, KDC4G. Fuck knows we've been waiting for a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer from you. How is it that I can answer that question with an ultra-easy 'No', o KDC4G. What's your excuse?
'Pro-Life', are you? School shootings in your country since 1764. Yet, it took just one atrocity - Dunblane - to ban guns here in the UK: by the British public lobbying their MPs, me included. No school shootings in the UK's entire history up to 1996. No school shootings here in the UK since 1996. All those retroactive abortions in you country in all those 252 years.
'Oh, Save the Unborn Child', but once outside the womb, it's a case of 'You're on your own, kid!'.
Pro-Life. Pro-Gun. Nope, no contradiction there, nosiree! [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
The 'rights' of those who want their precious penis extensions/toys. A child's basic human right to exist.
Gun ownership a 'right'? Just ask the mothers of those kids murdered by Thomas Hamilton, who decided to take his completely legal toys - four of them - to a school in a Scottish town one day. What about their right to have children not murdered by a loony gun-wielding paedophile?
Do you own a gun, KMC4G...? [/Matthew 26:52, 6th Commandment]