Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

Perhaps the ugliest aspect of Jewish culture is its persistent drive to not only control all media, in all countries (See Gordon Duff’s articles about Google jigsaw), but to deliberately shut down freedom of speech in every Country where they set up shop.

As a culture they invaiably wilt under the glare of public scrutiny and try their best to hide in the shadows. That is why they always strive shut down freedom of speech. They have already killed freedom of speech in Germany, Austria and Canada.

Controlling all media and killing freedom of speech is one thing they know how to do well. The Palestinians are true Semitic people and the Ashkenazi Jews that kill them and rob their land on a regular basis are half-Caucasian.

I don’t mind criticizing Caucasians because I am one of them. The issue has never been race and anti-Semitism. The issue has always been bad behaviour and nobody does bad behaviour better than the Jews. Just ask Barney Frank and Harvey Weinstein.

Allegedly these men had an ungodly liason and Mr. Frank is now said to be pregnant. Rumour has it that they will soon have a Caucasian Jewish baby and will name him Frankenstein.

If the world really wants to fight anti-Semitism the first thing it has to do is start fighting the Jews.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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