Shamar #conspiracy
Georgia Guide Stones – Cube Deciphered – EBOLA
Wow.........I cannot believe that this is an accident......
is there any other way that this outbreak of Ebola can be linked to the Georgia Guide Stones and to the NOW? The answer is Yes !
As others have already noted, there has been an episode of the Simpsons where a book cover is shown having the title: “Curious George and the Ebola Virus”. This might seem insignificant but it has already been proven that there were also hints to other events in Simpsons episodes, the most famous being 9/11.
However this could have been a coincidence but there is more. This particular episode of the Simpsons was aired on September 11th , 1997. A date that raises a red flag obviously.
So let’s take a look at the character of the monkey George. Wikipedia writes:
“The books feature a curious brown monkey named George, who is brought from his home in Africa by “The Man with The Yellow Hat” to live with him in a big city.”
Just like the Ebola virus, George was ‘taken’ from Africa to the USA. His name, George, could hint to the Georgia Guide Stones.
In the last of the original series of books (1966), George ends up in the hospital, just like the first Ebola victim, Thomas Duncan.
But wait, there is more. In the above quote from Wikipedia we read that George was brought or taken to the USA. This means a deliberate action. He was taken by “The Man with The Yellow Hat” after he caught George. If George represents the virus (originated from monkeys?), then the man with the yellow hat represents the carrier, Thomas Duncan. This is what Wikipedia writes about this mysterious man:
“The Man is never mentioned by name in the original adventures, or in any subsequent content over more than six decades. He is always called either ‘the Man’ or fully ‘the Man with the Yellow Hat’. When people speak to George about the Man, they often refer to him as ‘your friend.’ However, in the Curious George film (2006), the Man is referred to as ‘Ted’ throughout the film”
So it was not until 2006 that the man who brought George from Africa got a name: TED. Let us now look at our man who brought Ebola from Africa: Thomas Eric Duncan. His initials spell: TED.