In answer to: Does Hell have a front gate?
No, you have to use the back door. Which is why it will be full of homosexuals. Ever wondered why the slang for gay guys is "flamers" Things that make you go, hmmm.
I'll never understand this...murder, rape, theft...the most heinous sins imaginable, everything is forgivable in Christianity...but if you bugger one man, you go straight to hell, don't pass go, don't collect $200, just a one-way ticket to the Lake of Fire. No forgiveness for teh ghey...for a religion of love, it seems to have pretty antagonistic viewpoint of it.
I've actually seen a drawing of heaven's and hell's entrance! Accoriding to the picture, the entrance to haven was somewhere up in the highest mountain, hard to claim rocks and all kinds of danger in the way
the door to hell was giant gate and people went there by the bus load!
(I really tried to avoid the words "haven's gate")
Things that make you go, hmmm
As in, "Hmmm, fundies try to demonstrate humor by joking about bigotry and damnation. I bet Jebus thinks that's a real knee-slapper."
Hell doesn't have a front gate anymore since Jesus went all Chuck Norris on 'em and kicked all kinds of demon ass.
Dante said it , I believe it, that settles it.
"No, you have to use the back door. Which is why it will be full of homosexuals."
<weakly> Ha ha.
Ever wondered why the slang for Christian fundamentalists is "lunatic fringe, pecksniffing, judgmental, holier-than-thou assholes"? Things that make you go, "hmmm".
Actually, I'm pretty sure it comes from using the term "faggot" (a bundle of sticks or kindling), i.e. a "flaming faggot", and the fact that homosexuals were often burned at the stake *as* kindling.
"solomongrundy #727558 2008-Sep-17 07:08 PM
This must be a US thing.
I'm from the UK and although I know of loads of slang names for gays I've never heard of them being called 'flamers'."
As your Winston Spencer Churchill once said "the only thing that divides the British from the Americans is a common language"
I didn't know lesbians regularly use back doors.
Is that "Things that make you go hmmm, fapfapfap-other-people-are-suffering-fapfapfap"?
The Pearly Gates (Fabulous!)
The gates of Hell ( Not just a front or back but possibly many. Nothing cute about them )
Notice: Hell has many gates, Heaven sounds Gay at the door
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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