IMHO, I really don't like the concept of dating. As far as I know, dating was a practice that is relatively new, as in the last century or so. And if we really examine the culture that has emerged over that time period, it is extremely God hating.
I really don't like the concept of dating.
How are you going to meet your future wife? Do you think if you pray god will make you a rib woman?
And if we really examine the culture that has emerged over that time period, it is extremely God hating.
How exactly is giving equal rights to everyone god hating
dating was a practice that is relatively new
It was a practice that is new? Me fail English? That's unpossible!
Don't get mad just 'cause you cannot get a date. And yeah, culture has grown to hate imaginary friends, of course. Because slavery, not allowing women to vote, and labeling anyone who is gay as mentally ill was what pleased God.
Dude, girls don't like you.
Don't go screaming bad english because you can't get a date.
I can't, and am I going around saying dating is a hoax?
Don't think so.
Actually, dating is a fairly new practice that emerged during the industrial age, when people lived and worked closely together, outside of traditional social observation. I don't like dating much myself - I prefer courting. Keep in mind that dating tends to mean different things from region-to-region, some people defining dating as taking on multiple partners at once and then making a selection based from that pool.
In any case, he's a fundie. The culture that emerged over that time period is in fact the one many fundies stick to.
Have a round of rot-gut for all! :D
Courting, aka 'dating', is far from a new concept. Unless you are a fundie, then anything newer than 2000 yrs old is 'new'.
Sure, dating is basically new. Just like everything else that's emerged in our culture since we got past "working every waking moment to survive" and learned that yes, we could in fact have lives worth enjoying. Basically, dating arrived in the same package as industrial farming and manufacturing, not to mention the vacuum cleaner and the dishwasher.
I do wonder why it is that people like this seem to *want* us all to go back to living in the 14th century or so. Look, the Black Death was just not that much fun. I like having hobbies and the fact that it doesn't take me twelve hours of hard labor to do a week's laundry and the like. And getting to pick my own husband because my family doesn't need to use my marriage to improve our economic fortunes and increase our probability of survival. It all goes together, and I'm glad for it!
"IMHO, I really don't like the concept of dating."
Are you talking about 'carbon' or 'social'. Oh wait, this is CF, you probably mean both.
So when two people go out for dinner and a movie, they were really just showing their hatred for your god. Nothing about getting to know the other person, establishing a relationship, or having a nice time.
Of course, it's so obvious.
And if our hypothetical couple decide to get married, they're really just want to stomp on your god's face and kick him in the fork.
IMHO, I really don't like the concept of bathing . As far as I know, bathing was a practice that is relatively new, as in the last century or so. And if we really examine the culture that has emerged over that time period, it is extremely God hating.
agentCDE, you win the thread!
I bet this person prefers good ol' fashioned courtship better. You know, the kind where you're chaperoned and the parents follow you around watching everything you do and hearing everything you say. It's a really good way to get to know each other, because we all know that you TOTALLY act the same way in front of your parents as you do alone!
"IMHO, I really don't like the concept of dating."
Yeah, I bet folks are just beating down the doors to date you, huh?
Curious that you only have a humble opinion about what you don't like?
"As far as I know, dating was a practice that is relatively new, as in the last century or so."
So? Nylon, microwave ovens, jet aircraft and cell phones are relatively new, too.
"And if we really examine the culture that has emerged over that time period, it is extremely God hating."
Yeah, I blame fluorecent lighting and Gumby.
IMHO, I really don't like the concept of posting on the internet. As far as I know, posting on the internet is a practice that is relatively new, as in the last couple decades or so. And if we really examine the culture that has emerged over the internet, it is extremely porn-loving.
Zeror probably thinks the Little House on the Prairie books are God-hating, too. Their author, Laura Ingalls Wilder, lived in the mid-1800s, and she certainly dated the man who would become her husband.
That said, by what passes for Zeror's logic, the polio vaccine, the refrigerator, the internet, etc. are also products of the God-hating culture that s/he should reject. Bye-bye, Zeror!
To he bonest, I don't really like dating either.
I prefer just to skip that part and go straight for the sex.
But somehow I think that wasnt what Zeror meant...
Zeror preferred the good old days when he could buy the virgin daughters of poor farmers for fifty shekels of silver, whether the women liked it or not.
(Weirdly, I typed "aol" rather than "old" the first time. Subliminal advertising?)
IMHO, I really don't like the concept of dating.
Then don't date. No one is going to force you to go to an expensive restaurant, go dancing, or even win you a teddy bear at a fair if you don't want to.
IMHO, I really don't like the concept of internet posting. As far as I know, dating was a practice that is relatively new, as in the last century or so. And if we really examine the culture that has emerged over that time period, it is extremely God hating.
Why at last, a True Christian (TM) who actually understands the Bible! Why date? Just rape her, pay her father, and you got her for the rest of your life!
Yay! Let's go back to "no kissing before marriage"! Like in shakespearian times!
Let us see... What play of Shakespeare talks about dating and cortship?
Romeo and Juliet.
Let's look at the introductory text...
Hey, look at that, Juliet is 13!
Don't go kidding yourself. The only way to go against the teen hormonal drive is to marry the kids so young they don't have one yet. And right now, you'll have trouble selling that idea.
Hey, Baby, ya wanna go get in the back seat and hate god a little? How about, uh, extremely? Heh heh heh
Oh, yeah, hatin' up on some god. That's what I'm into.
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