God is real
Taxes are theft
There are only 2 genders
USA is the best country ever
Socialism kills
Hillary should be in prison
"God is real"
HOW much longer do we have to just take your likes' word for that, CK?
"Taxes are theft"
And if taxes completely disappeared, what would the country become?
"There are only 2 genders"
There are 2 standard sets of reproductive organs. Not the same thing.
"USA is the best country ever"
You're serious? And no, I didn't call you Shirley.
"Socialism kills"
Sadly, all sorts of people kill all sorts of other people. Your point?
"Hillary should be in prison"
Donald should be in a retirement home.
"God is real"
Evidence please
Taxes are theft
"Taxes are what we pay to make life possible in the country we live in. The roads, police and fire services, the very functioning of the state have to be in place and paid for in order for us to live the life we do."
There are only 2 genders
"I kind of agree with him on this one."
USA is the best country ever
"The potential was there but the failure to address slavery meant the title "best country ever" could never be claimed.
Socialism kills
"Politicians manipulating systems for personal gain are what doom every political system."
Hillary should be in prison
"Prove she did something illegal and we can talk."
I noticed the poster didn't say anything about same-sex marriage, but it's pretty obvious why he didn't bring up that topic.
So... who's paying for Hillary's incarceration then?
Here's a picture of me looking as macho as I can.
EDIT: I've just spent half an hour reading all the responses to this tweet.
Chocolate is the only good kind of ice cream.
Southern baptists are the only Christians.
God won't let that hurricane hit the USA.
Speed limits are un-American.
........Charlie Kirk, twit.
"God is real " Only for psychotics.
"Taxes are theft". Nope, Refusing to pay taxes is theft of the community
"There are only 2 genders " This one is a bit complicated, too much for you.
USA is the best country ever " HA HA HA. Like Hell. I woud rather live in Canada, Oz, France, Germany, Swede, Finland, Norway, Danemark, Nederlands than in US.
"Socialism kills " Less than religion or capitalisms.
"Hillary should be in prison" Like many politician, but Trump should be in an Insane asylum.
LOL - for real: The list is asinine but the picture ...omygod.
ETA: I just spent 45 minutes reading the comments. Oh. Wow. He's getting roasted so hard I can feel the flames of their tiki torches burning MY ass. This is a thing of beauty. All the other super memes I've seen come to me long after the fire has died down, but here I am *sniffles* watching the birth of a legend.
In reverse order:
1- Katherine Janeway is an Admiral in Starfleet
2- There is no War, Disease or Want on Earth run by the United Federation of Planets
3- The Federation/Klingon Alliance is the best part of the galaxy
4- Species 8472 have several genders
5- Taxes no longer exist on an Earth run by the United Federation of Planets
6- God was outthought by Capt. James T. Kirk
7- ?????
8- Up yours, Charlie
#1-Which god? There are quite a few, you know.
#2-So you think infrastructure pays for itself? Or that it's free? Or worse, that it should be privatized? Probably number three. Go for it. And watch the disaster ensue.
#3-You don't really understand the modern concept of what gender is, do you? Transsexual, intersex, hermaphrodite, etc. Look at something other than the Bible for sexual understanding, please.
#4-People who live in other countries will disagree. And your beloved Trump and Republicans are wrecking this country so that statement won't be true for a very long time unless an intervention occurs.
#5-Citation needed. Otherwise, it's just more idiocy coming out of your mouth.
#6-For what? After all the way too many investigations haven't found a thing. Either that or you have horribly misspelled Donald.
Your picture (since I don't have a Twitter): Intimidation: You're doing it wrong. As in not at all.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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