
Mayor Glenn Jacobs #wingnut twitter.com

Check out Reading Lolita in Tehran, a memoir about life, especially for women, in post-Revolutionary Iran. Much of the book centers on the regime's imposition of "the veil" on women. The veil is analogous to the Left's obsession with masking during COVID-19 (and for some, still today). Both are symbols of religious fanaticism, one Islamic, the other secular.image12:09 AM · Mar 25, 2025 · 19.6K Views

Jesse Lee Peterson #wingnut twitter.com

President Trump really reminds me of Jesus. He just gets it done, and keeps going, unaffected by the world. People attacking him like wild animals!

You too can overcome the world by taking control of your world within.
1:08 AM · Mar 19, 2025 · 5,634 Views

Matt Walsh #wingnut twitter.com

In saner times, if a man organized and pulled off a mission to rescue stranded astronauts from space, he would be hailed as a hero. Instead Elon is vilified. The Left would have loved if the rescue ship exploded and killed everyone on board. We all know they were rooting for it.
3:47 AM · Mar 20, 2025 · 1.3M Views

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

You masked our kids.
Shut down our businesses.
Locked us down in our homes.
Closed our churches.
Forced our grandparents to die alone.
Shuttered our schools.
Mandated a harmful vaccine.
Enforced bogus social distancing.
Lied to us about hydroxychloroquine.
Gaslit us about ivermectin.
Censored our dissent.
Covered-up the origin of the virus.
Idolized a dangerous, lying Fauci.
Threatened us if we didn’t comply.

And fired my husband after he worked COVID frontlines once he refused to take the vaxx.

No, one op-Ed doesn’t absolve you.

We will never forget.

Every one of you involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned.

And your propaganda mouthpieces should be fired & shamed.
12:17 AM · Mar 18, 2025 · 61.5K Views

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut twitter.com

President Trump is literally saving lives.

Now that America’s borders are closed to illegal alien crossings, less than 500 crossed the Darien Gap in February—one of the deadliest stretches of land aliens traverse on their way to the United States.

Americans are safer, too, now that we’re not letting in illegals from every corner of the world while we have no idea who they are.

Thank you, President Trump, for securing our borders!
5:23 AM · Mar 15, 2025 · 195.6K Views

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Many times, in Scripture, God’s people are warned not to be like the pagan peoples of other nations who sacrificed their own children. As we read of this abomination in Scripture, the so-called “civilized West” would claim that such vile behavior as child sacrifice should not be tolerated.

But they do! In numbers that make the child sacrifice of the past pagan cultures pale in significance.

In Psalm 106:35–38, we read the following:

“But they mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did. They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.”

Such an abomination as child sacrifice does occur in our Western nations and, in fact, the whole world. It’s called abortion—nothing less than child sacrifice to the god of self.

Make sure you visit the most powerful pro-life exhibit in the world @CreationMuseum.
Last edited 11:18 PM · Mar 15, 2025 · 6,032 Views

Matt Walsh #wingnut twitter.com

Elon Musk has done more than any single human on Earth to promote and propagate “green” alternatives. He has one of the largest electric vehicle companies on the planet. By the Left’s climate change logic, he has saved millions of lives and prevented untold number of hurricanes, tornadoes, and other catastrophes. If they took their climate change bullshit seriously at all, they would celebrate him as an environmental hero. They would happily overlook the MAGA stuff because he is — again, by their logic — doing more than anyone else to save the globe. But of course they don’t actually believe in any of that climate stuff or care about it at all, which is why they’re in the process of trying to destroy one of the greenest companies in the world.
1:57 PM · Mar 12, 2025 · 641.7K Views

Liz Wheeler #wingnut twitter.com

President Trump: “Our message to American children is you’re perfect the way God made you.”

Democrats refuse to clap.

It’s a battle of good versus evil. Pick your side.
2:34 PM · Mar 5, 2025 · 104.3K Views

Tatoruzux #transphobia #dunning-kruger twitter.com

I believe prohibiting the release of evidence of a violation of another person's rights and physical well-being isn't censorship of speech. It's a practical reality of a good and just government, especially when it's not a matter of public interest, and when it comes to horrendous crimes against children, the specific video or photographic evidence is never a matter of public interest.

I'm not a libertarian or anarchist — I don't believe in lawlessness and I recognize the duty of a government to restrict sensitive evidence as a separate thing entirely from censorship.

On the topic of prohibiting trans books from schools, that is not censorship either. It is necessary to curate children's reading to ensure a proper education. We pick the books that kids read. If high school libraries didn't have books for preschoolers, would that be considered censorship? Would those books be labeled "banned" by the general public? Nope.

Matt Walsh #wingnut twitter.com

There had not been any major airline crashes in many years. Flying was extremely, almost miraculously, safe. Then the airline industry introduced DEI, and now we’re on our second major airline crash in two months. We’re supposed to believe that this is just a coincidence.
1:38 AM · Feb 20, 2025 · 1.2M Views

Tomi Lahren #wingnut twitter.com

The people who are siding with Zelenskyy:

1) war mongers who benefit from endless wars

2) defense contractors

3) Light weight Dems who hate Trump and hate America

4) People who still wear Covid masks

5) Adam Kinzinger

6) Men who pee sitting down (see #5)

The people who are siding with Trump:

Last edited 8:13 AM · Mar 1, 2025 · 1.3M Views

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The sense of respect in the government is gone now because you've allowed black females to be part of it.

They've encouraged black women to go OUT OF CONTROL in the homes toward men and children, toward white people, against authority and common sense.

Hell on Earth.
1:13 AM · Mar 7, 2025 · 8,903 Views

Tatoruzu #racist twitter.com

Kanye's racist tweets are funny and all, but you guys didn't really think he should be president, did you? lmao

I hate to be an "elitist" or whatever, but I don't know if an 80 IQ black rapper has what it takes to navigate the intricacies of the government

Tom Kratman #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

I confess that, after 80 years of mooching, scolding, nagging, and preening themselves in threadbare cloaks of moral superiority, the idea of Europe becoming our official enemy sends chills up my spine. It is a joyful sensation.

Oh, and Canada, in that case, just as if you had tried to join the Warsaw Pact under Trudeau the elder, something I suspect crossed his mind regularly, if you tried to join Europe or adhere to a NATO which has become an enemy of the United States, we would mobilize, invade, and crush you in very short order. No, NATO, which is to say the UK and France, will not risk nuclear annihilation to save you. No, none of them could send over enough in the way of conventional forces to help very much if, indeed, they could get anything over in the face of our overwhelming superiority in the air and at sea. No, 1812 has nothing to say; we were logistic imbeciles at the time and disease infants. Neither of these factors are true anymore and, indeed, haven't since about 1862.

Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

Candace Owens #conspiracy twitter.com

Emmanuel Macron arrives into Washington D.C tomorrow.
President Trump and VP Vance should bring me to the table.

Macron is a groomed weakling who should not be welcomed anywhere that adult decisions are being made.

Better to deal with his perverted husband.
1:59 AM · Feb 24, 2025 · 3.6M Views

Tatoruzux #racist #pratt twitter.com

The distance between Jerusalem and Samaria was 35 miles. I travel that far to Walmart. That's where my "neighbors" shop.
Do people really think the Good Samaritan parable and "love thy neighbor" was about opening the gates for savages living hundreds or thousands of miles away?

DocRocket #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Democrat party.
Hitler, praised FDR's early New Deal measures: America, like the Reich, had decisively broken with the “uninhibited frenzy of market speculation.”
Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter, “stressed ‘Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies,’ praising the president’s style of leadership as being compatible with Hitler’s own dictatorial Führerprinzip“....
Many historical citations with a heavy dose of Mussolini /FDR admiration club tossed in there as well.

"American and European commentators in the 1930s also pointed out Hitler’s and Roosevelt’s centralization of power. Dictatorship was never imposed in the United States in the same way it was in Nazi Germany, but thoughtful writers wondered if such centralization did not run the risk of undermining the constitutional separation of powers. Unchecked power could easily extinguish freedom in the United States".

Genevieve Gluck #transphobia twitter.com

"Trans women" are men acting out a BDSM fetish on the public. Therefore, the transitioning of minors is inherently pedophilic.

These are "chastity cages" that are worn by men who pretend to be women during BDSM sexual activities. Men who claim to be trans women are getting the idea from porn and BDSM.

In these BDSM practices, the penis is referred to as a "clit", and the act of being penetrated by a dom is what is meant to turn them into a "female". During the "sissification" process they are encouraged by a dominatrix (who isn't always female) to begin taking estrogen in order to "shrink [their] useless little sissy clit."

As the fetish escalates, body modification is also encouraged. The body modification is part of the same BDSM fetish. Genital surgery is a permanent chastity cage, and puberty blockers for children achieve the same outcome: chemical castration puts minors in a chastity cage.

TatoruzuX #sexist #fundie twitter.com

This is nonsense. It is the Biblical duty of wives to satisfy their husbands.

You people are seeking to take everything away from men, from entertainment to video games. If at the very least your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity cannot guarantee to men that their wives have a duty to satisfy them, as Christianity traditionally did for hundreds of years, then your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity will not have men.

In the ideal world, men would be perfect. Men would be like Jesus. Men would be completely celibate. Men would not marry. As Paul said, it is good for a man not to touch a woman at all (1 Corinthians 7:1) and his guidance on marriage was merely only a concession/permission, not a commandment (1 Corinthians 7:6), because celibacy is preferable and inherently less sinful than sex even within marriage, which is at best just a distraction from prayer and devotion.

However, Paul recognized that a compromise was necessary. There was something extremely obvious to Paul that is apparently not obvious to "Christians" today: most men are not able to withstand celibacy and they have natural uncontrollable lustful urges. Something must be done about this. And something had to be done about this in the first century. Otherwise, Christianity wouldn't have ever attracted men and it would've died off in the first century.

And so:
Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. (1 Corinthians 7:3)

If women are not fulfilling their Biblical role to act as dutiful wives and "personal porn stars" for their husbands, whether that's due to letting themselves go, rejecting marriage in favor of hypergamy, career-chasing, or whatever it is women do to fuck up the sexual marketplace, they are equally as culpable for the sins of lustful men who cannot find wives to fulfil their Biblical role.

Jesse Lee Peterson #wingnut twitter.com

I'm very concerned about flying right now. Planes are catching fire and crashing and falling from the sky. They've done so much DEI and lowering of standards over the years. I don't see how we can trust them!
2:44 AM · Feb 4, 2025 · 3,053 Views

Andrew Tate #wingnut twitter.com

Trump is saving America along with the entire western world by extension.

Kash, JD, Elon, Hegseth, Grenell etc are all helping him.

And these people STILL have haters.

Remember -

No matter how much good you do, or how great and important you are, there will always be some no name with shit to say.
4:06 AM · Feb 22, 2025 · 407.5K Views

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

The word science is defined as “the state of knowing: knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding.”

Scientific pursuit needs to be broken into two parts: experimental (observable or operational) science and origins (historical) science. Both creation and evolution involve historical science (beliefs) and observational science (such as the study of genetics).

Experimental science that builds our modern technology is accomplished through the scientific method. And origins or historical science is the non-repeatable, non-observable science dealing with the past—which enters the realm of beliefs (really, religion).

In almost all of today’s government-run educational systems, the religion of secular humanism—with its foundation of naturalistic evolution based on man’s word/beliefs about the past (molecules-to-man evolution)—is guised in textbooks, lectures, and secular museums as so-called “science.”

But the same word science is used for the experimental science that helps build technology. Because students aren’t taught the difference between historical and observational science, they are brainwashed into thinking that molecules-to-man evolution is the same science as what has built technology—which it is not. It is what we call a “bait-and-switch fallacy” (a fallacy in logic).

It’s really a conflict between two philosophical worldviews that are based on two different accounts of origins or historical scientific beliefs.
12:43 AM · Feb 7, 2025 · 1,864 Views

heather anderson #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

They (Musk and Trump) both have talked about it and they both are going to release the Epstein files and what you’ll see is the left. The Democrats are a bunch of perverted pedophiles and some celebrities. Just because you take a picture with people doesn’t mean that your part of the lifestyle

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

RFK Jr. confirmed as Secretary of Health & Human Services! To say this feels like a miracle would be… an understatement.

First Trump, now Bobby.

I am speechless. God is so good.

You’ve suffered autoimmune disorders, autism, ADHD, neurologic disorders, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic debilitating illnesses… and been GASLIT about it.


A friend of mine just jokingly texted me “Now we can tell everyone that Bobby is a fellow anti-vaxxer.”

LOL. We won’t have to. Bobby won’t have to say a word about vaccines.

Joshua Haymes #quack twitter.com

Anxiety is sin to be repented of,

Not a disease to be medicated.

We are all prone to different sins.
Some of us struggle with pride, anger, or wrath, other struggle with lust or gluttony.

Anxiety is no different.


Modern Christians must not get sucked into the trap of medicalizing our sin.

Meds may address some behavioral issues (bad fruit) but they cannot address the bad root.

Only repentance and faith can do that.

We serve a God who is incredibly gracious and immeasurably, merciful to us.

He is inviting each of us to cast our worries upon him.

He would not command us not to worry if it were impossible to actually obey.