Anonymous Coward #fundie

All the Demon Gods explained

Here, we examine all the demon gods that humans have been worshiping for millenia, under the pretense that we are sending our spiritual energies to the true Gods in Heaven. Nothing could be further than the truth. This thread is not based on hate, but an examination of the true nature of our fake spirituality that we have adorned onto ourselves, since ancient days. In this thread I use the name Satan and Lucifer to denote a very high ranking demonic entity that lives in the lower dimensions, and who via spiritual energy being harnessed by it from our planetary dimension, use this energy to contain human growth and life in our real time. So please dont get into an argument as to who or what the names lucifer or satan represent. For the sake of explanation I use it to denote dark entities.

I believe that the ancient history of this planet was inundated with Satanism, or Luciferianism as it was called. Research into the cargo cult into a look at the human psyche and how easily it can be made to worship anything superior as a god , including building temples churches etc.

Midget brain is the brain that results in blind, obedient worship of entities you do not understand. This stunts the growth of your own spirituality. This is done usually under force, containment , FEAR and advanced mind programming tools that we today call NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. (NLP)
Unleashing the real spirituality within you, and directing it to a real positive direction takes study and awareness. but results in a more powerful you. Your aura, your mind and your consciousness all expand to fit into its rightful place in this universe.

Vedic Hinduism was more pure. They did not have idols in them. Some of the spiritual teachings in ancient Vedic scriptures . The original Vedic people were most likely the Celts, who migrated to England before the great floods . After the global cataclysms, new immigrants flooded into the area known as Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. These people were not the original Vedic people. The Indians who live in India today are only partly the descendants of the Vedic culture.
SHIVA: According to Madame Blavatsky, who had an encylopedic knwledge of the occult, and who ascribed to the occult world, Shiva is a version of Lucifer. Shiva is alwasy shown in bue color with reptiles around his neck. He also sports a closed third eye in his forehead. SHiva is associated with his consort , Parvathi. This is another depiction of the androgynous Baphomet with male and female androgynous body. Be sure, that is is a demon.

KRISHNA: Another version of the demon god PAN. Both Krishna and Pan share similar traits. Both play the flute , or a pan flute. Both are associated with sexual energy. While Pan is shown with a permanent erection, the more mellow side of Luciferian Hinduism shows Krishna as having 1600 wives or female companions. This is another way of depicting the permanent erection. How virile would you need to be to fuck 1600 women?? Both are shown to like shepherds, and associated with meadows, sheep and cattle. PAN is another version of LUCIFER or SATAN.

HANUMAN: Also another version of Lucifer. Obama alwasy carries around an icon of Hanuman in his pocket. I am looking for deeper associations, But the main give away is the combination of Monkey head and human body. More of this in the next god.

GANESH: The elephant god. Whenever you come across a hybrid anthropomorphic character being worshiped as a god then you know that it is a satanic entity, or a demon from the hellish realms. The reason for this is: NLP or nuero linguistic programming is the programming language of our brain. When you surrender your spiritual energies to a hybrid entity you are basically subscribing your life to rules and requirements of these hybrid entities.
Hybrid entities represents a grafting of human energies with demonic spirits. This is always shown as a human with the head of an animal or anything else. This shows the possession of the human body and mind by an entity from a different realm. When your mind sees an image of these hybrid entities, it is being shown the merging of extra dimensional entities with the human realm. So ALL gods that are depicted as a combination human - animal entity are a subliminal asking you to subscribe to the possession and surrender of your life to these extra-dimensional entities. Praying to these 'gods' will invoke them to merge your soul into their realms. This has serious spiritual repercussions.
As for the elephant god Ganesh, who is shown as a human body having the head of an elephant, all you need to is google images: "Baphomet Demon" , and look at the results.

RITUALS or POOJAS: MOst of the brahminic and hindu rituals are actually ancient occult invocations. Taking part in occult rituals that invoke demons are a sin against the real GoD. Most of the Hindu mantras and homas, and rituals are ancient occult rituals. Some of the mantras are pure and good, but one needs a very good awareness of spirituality to differentiate between the two.

Lots of good in Vedic hinduism, lots of spiritual truths, but beware: there is very real demon worship and covers most of Hinduim, the temples and a lot of the scriputures. Ancient Luciferianism at work.


All spiritual energies are intensified and directed toward an icon that is shaped like a black cube > This is obvious Saturn/Satan worship. Islam is highly damaging ot life on Earth as the believers in the Satanic cult offer up their spiritual energies five times daily to the cube. This is intense spiritual donation, and the reason why this must stop immediatly. Islam is also anti human. Its so called prophet is a fakery and most likely did not exist as the earliest records are space many decades after his supposed existence. This is a cult created by some vested interests in the service of Satan.
Research of Islamic satanic black cube worship to know more.
The core of this faith is the annual fasting . This is highly powerful , and since the fasting is done for their god, all psychic energies go to Satan, or the black cube.
Allah is Satan , or the entity that chanells itself via portals in the planet SATURN.

Lots of goodness available in its sacred text the bible, but most of the beliefs are woven around a non-existent god-human personality. The cross or crucifix when folded results in a cube. The cube therefore is the unfolded cross that is wrapped up or contained. The man nailed to the cross is an ancient subliminal that shows the containment of the human being inside the cube. The nails bind the hands and feet of the human being , and when you fold up the crucified man into a cube, he is neatly contained within the box. This box or cube is obviously black, and points toward the negative energies of Saturn.
The story of Jesus is a representation of various phenomena, including astrology, as well physiological phenomena.
Given all the fear and containment of human energies found within the BIBLE, it still is one of the more belief systems in the world today apart from Buddhism. Please understand that NONE of the ancient belief systems are perfect and ALL of them have some form of Satanism woven into them.

I know very little on Judaaism so I shall not comment. But Judaism is an ancient belief system that has powerful knowledge of our ancient world, while at the same time, it is one of the most demonic of all religious cults.


The exciting thing is humanity has NEVER actually tried to invoke positive energy vibrations into the planetary grid. They were never given a chance, as the extra dimensional entities saw to it that the planet was always inundated by a storm of evil vibrations. Hence the continuous war , blood shied and evil governmental corporations.

Study and research into how to resonate the planetary energies into the POSITIVE ZONE and get rid of all the fake theocracies, cults and sacrificing of the powerful human spiritual energies to dark extra-dimensional entities.

Once you begin the process, the results will be exponential. Positivity will begin to vibrate and will affect all the auric molecules on this planet and around it.

May the real God bless you and take care of you.
Love an Peace.



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