Ghetto Monk #conspiracy
What Do The Confederate Flag Fiasco & The Fake Clock Bomb Kid Have In Common?
Did you spot it?
Both are instances of the federal government exercising back-room control of almost every major public & private corporation in America to push an agenda....
You see what's happening here right?
You understand fully what this means RIGHT?
It's fascism people..
Bold and in your face..
Why does it matter to you?
Because if you don't share their same goals and opinions you will soon be completely shut out of society..
Think I'm exaggerating?
A recent example in my life...
A major public company I do business with was providing me with shitty service..
So I raise some hell, nothing out of the ordinary or extreme by my standards at all..
Put in a complaint with the corporate office over it..
Then 10 days later I get a registered letter in the mail banning me from all their properties!
Whereas in the past a company such as this, for a client such as myself, would have fired the fuckers I was complaining about...
Now instead they chose to fire me for bitching about it!
I was fucking shocked..
I've neer had a company pull some vengeful shit like this on me in the past for making a complaint..
But the world is changing my friends..
It's changing into a world of communism where there is only one option for you and if you make any waves you're ostracized from the machine you depend on for your livelihood..
This aint your grandma's or even your mothers America anymore boys in girls..
That shit died back in the 80's..
Full on control grid is upon us.