Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com
Mike Lair’s Tinfoil Desk
Many Americans have voiced strong opposition to Common Core, which submerses children in degeneracy, promotes ghetto culture, instills collectivist ideology, and fails to teach basic math skills.
In response to parents’ concerns, our rulers sneer. After hundreds rallied at the Missouri state capitol against Common Core, RINO State Rep Mike Lair of Missouri proposed an $8 budget appropriation to buy tinfoil hats for its opponents:
His measure states that the money would fund, quote: “two rolls of high density aluminum to create headgear designed to deflect drone and/or black helicopter mind reading and control technology.”
It appears Lair’s snarky sense of humor has boomeranged back on him. Check out what they did to his desk on the Missouri House floor:
[Picture of his desk coated in tin foil.]
That is the way to fight them.