If indeed the earth’s glaciers are melting, attempting to stop them from melting by covering them with reflective material wouldn’t work. According to Global Warming proponents the earth’s temperature is increasing. So what good would it do to cover the glaciers? The sun’s rays are not the problem. This just shows the fallacy of Global Warming. One minute they claim that the earth’s temperature is rising, and then they set out to protect Greenland’s glaciers from the sun’s rays. Well, which is it, the sun’s rays or the higher temperatures on earth? If, as Global Warming proponents claim, the earth’s temperatures are rising, then protecting glaciers from the sun’s rays is a complete waste of time and money.
It is far more reasonable to believe the Bible; than it is to believe the hocus-pocus nonsense of a bunch of whacko scientists. Just as Evolution, Global Warming is a scam—a cleverly devised invention of greedy and dishonest people.
Well, which is it, the sun’s rays or the higher temperatures on earth?
Why does it have to be one or the other?
Mr. Stewart is taking stupidity to a new level.
After all, if I don't immediately understand something, why look for a reliable explanation? I'll just go BAWWWING on the internet and start blubbering about the Babble.
We're also considering placing an opaque film between sun and earth to lessen the impact of the sun's rays. Problem is, placement is a very delicate proposition, and thus far there have been no volunteers.
Ah, David J. Stewart, I hope I get to see your brain fucking melt under the pressue of Global Warming. I'll gladly burn to death just to see you rot in your own ignorance. DIAF, fuckwad.
'It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. [x]; It is a SCAM.'
Fill in the [x]. Clue: it isn't global warming.
Ok, how does the Bible propose we solve this problem?
Exactly. Now, where does the Bible say it is acceptable and Godly to drive a car that burns fossil fuels for power?
No, I'm an atheist. Gimme the keys.
I'm going to go cry now.
erm, what? Oh, it's Dave Stewart again. He really went off the rails when the Eurhythmics broke up, didn't he?
I heard something about 'Jesus is Savior' and 'Jesus is Lord' both being very elaborate parodies of the right wing. A Google search for David J. Stewart shows that he isn't the pastor of any real church, and this 'David J Stewart' fashions himself as a real pastor.
Although this may not be a parody, I can easily see someone writing this up and laughing their ass off.
Edit: OK, this link has GOT to prove that this is a parody. http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Believer's%20Corner/tough_love_jesus.htm
Unfortunately, it seems pretty clear that he is an actual fundamentalist, and a follower of the ways of Jack Hyles.
Make of that last part what you will.
That's a lot of stupid, even for him. His usual rants are evil, ignorant, and inane, but not usually that unabashedly d-u-m!
Oh David, David, David ... you blithering idiot!
Guess David Stewart doesn't leave his house much, at least not in summer.
the increase in global temp is causing the worlds glaciers to lose more water/ice in the summer moths. as a result less and less of this is being replaced in the winter months.
this fresh snow and ice has a higher level of reflection known as its albedo rate. the higher the albedo the more of the suns rays are reflected back into space.
because less and less of the sun rays are being reflected this is creating larger melt lakes to form. these lakes are giant puddles of water miles across.
when these lakes reach a critical mass the bottom bursts and all the water flows down cracks to the bottom of the glacier which then acts as a lubricante against the bedrock and causes the glacier to slide into the sea (very slowly of course)
wrapping glaciers in refective material increases the areas albedo which in turns reduces melt which reduces the size of the melt lakes.
so fucking there!
please excuse the spelling and puncuation. I cannot be arsed.
fuck it
Global warming is caused by the heat generated when fundies strain their brains to try and formulate an intelligent thought.
And it's all in vain, because they almost never do.
Greedy and dishonest people who want their children's grandchildren to be able to live on Earth? Greedy and dishonest people who want to find the cure for cancer and MRSA?
The sun is what's making it warm on Earth, stupid. Through the workings of man, the Earth can no longer protect itself from the rays of the sun as effectively as it could before we started the industrialization.
This only showed the author's confusion and ignorance of climatology basics, similarly to with biology, it seems. The story sounds like if scientists claimed that we were heating the Earth directly with heaters. It then attributes it to "proponents". The reality is that yes, there is warming and sea acidification, that there are forcings as well as feedbacks and that it's not an invention or only a claim by activists. You're projecting on science what you're practicing, playing with words to deny what may conflict with an ideology you are promoting...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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