Trying to prove God to an atheist is like trying to prove there were WMDs in Iraq to a Bush-hater.
I gave a Bush-hater about 30 pages of evidence of WMDs from the internet (which he so loves) but he merely glanced at them and set them aside.
He didn't want to hear.
O RLY? O.o
Fail to the nth degree.
Really? Even Bush has admitted there were no WMD's, so I don't know where the hell you get your information.
I'm assuming that the reason they think we'll worship Obama, is because they worshipped Bush. Hell, Bush trumped Jesus (but not Paul of course) in a lot of their minds.
Interesting since even Bush now admits we never found any WMDs in Iraq. No wonder your more intelligent friend ignored whatever false crap you laid on him, like you said he loves the internet and probably reads LEGITIMATE news sources and ignores the Republican propaganda sites that are the staple of you nose-led GOP sheep.
Did anyone read the OP of that thread? Probably the dumbest and most confusing wall of text I have ever read. I can't believe someone would waste their time writing that crap just to affirm their own belief that God exists (it obviously wasn't meant to convince anyone else, as only the author knows what sort of logical gymnastics are required to believe it).
Perhaps you should have sent your 'evidence' to President Bush and the United Nations. If Bush had had any evidence whatsoever of WMD's, I'm pretty sure he would have been waving it in the air like conquering hero. It would have saved him the embarrassment of having to publicly admit that there were no such weapons.
I'm pretty sure that all the Intelligance Services of the free world would love to know where you, presumable an average civilian, obtained evidence that they with all their resources could not. I'm also sure that they would be willing to pay large amounts of hard cash to purchase valid evidence from you. You could become rich and the ultimate patriot in one move. What are you waiting for?
I suspect the 'Bush-hater' in your post is an intelligent man. I doubt he merely glanced at them. He probably read them, threw them into the waste bin, did a quiet 'facepalm' to himself, and silently wept a little at the thought that people like yourself have a right to vote and choose the government of his country.
Unlike the existence of God, which there is no proof for or against, there was proof that there weren't any WMDs in Iraq.
To quote a comedian who's name I forget:
"Haven't found any of those nuclear weapons in Iraq yet, have they? But they know they're there. They kept all the fuckin' receipts."
Trying to prove God to an atheist is like trying to prove there were WMDs in Iraq to a Bush-hater.
That could possibly be the best analogy from a fundy yet.
Despite years of searching nobody had ever found WMDs in Iraq, despite how much people really want it. Kinda like your god.
Gee, 30 pages? In reply, I only need one.
The person Bush appointed to conduct a complete investigation of Iraq's weapons programmes, Charles A. Duelfer's report to Congress .
"Saddam Husayn ended the nuclear program in 1991 following the Gulf war. ISG found no evidence to suggest
concerted efforts to restart the program."
"While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq
unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible indications
that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG attributes to Baghdad’s desire
to see sanctions lifted, or rendered ineffectual, or its fear of force against it should WMD be discovered."
"In practical terms, with the destruction of the Al Hakam facility, Iraq abandoned its ambition to obtain
advanced BW weapons quickly. ISG found no direct evidence that Iraq, after 1996, had plans for a new BW
program or was conducting BW-specific work for military purposes. Indeed, from the mid-1990s, despite
evidence of continuing interest in nuclear and chemical weapons, there appears to be a complete absence of
discussion or even interest in BW at the Presidential level."
So no nuclear, chemical or biological weapons programmes then. But hey, perhaps they were still trying to find the world's funniest joke ? I mean, how else can you explain the statements of 'Comical Ali'?
Trying to prove God to an atheist is like trying to prove there were WMDs in Iraq to a Bush-hater.
- I don't hate Bush, despite the fact that he was a liar.
There were no weapons of mass destruction. None were ever found. And if they had been found the news would have been so splashed about that we would still be seeing reports on it. All you wishful thinking too won't make Bush's lying true!
- You have equated proving god to the existence of WMD. Res ipsa loquitur.
"Trying to prove God to an atheist is like trying to prove there were WMDs in Iraq to a Bush-hater."
You are right on the money there, Show me WMD`S and Iwill belive in your god, or show me thers a God and I will say that W was the greatest President ever
Well, you can't prove a negative like that conclusively, but there certainly isn't any reliable evidence for the existence of either one.
Did you take him to Iraq, open up the secret warehouse of WMDs that only you seem to know about, and say Voila? No? Then you didn't prove it.
ps. Bush would very much like to know where they are, too.
"I gave a Bush-hater about 30 pages of evidence of WMDs from the internet (which he so loves) but he merely glanced at them and set them aside. "
30 pages of drivel from faux news and redstate are not evidence. I wouldn't have set them aside, I would have burned them in front of you, then showed you one page from the official military intelligence report on WMDs in Iraq. The one that says none have been found and they were likely never there in the first place.
But trying to prove Bush lied to an America hater is like trying to explain biology to a christianist.
"Trying to prove God to an atheist is like trying to prove there were WMDs in Iraq to a Bush-hater."
Same thing really. You're still trying to prove that something that obviously doesn't exist does, in fact, actually exist.
"I gave a Bush-hater about 30 pages of evidence of WMDs from the internet (which he so loves) but he merely glanced at them and set them aside."
Try using real sources instead of Faux News and Conservapedia.
"He didn't want to hear."
Probably because you weren't actually saying anything that mattered.
In that first sentence, you blindly said that there is no God.
There is no evidence for WMDs in Iraq. They were never found. It's common knowledge. The whole Iraq War was all about invasion, tyranny, and stealing oil.
Of course, I don't expect any dumbass Republican to believe it especially when they get their info from Faux News.
Proving God to an Atheist is like trying to convert a Muslim to Christianity. There, that's a better comparison.
Same about you, you are given explanations, sources, theories and you only respond by putting your fingers in your ears and go "LALALALALALA THE BIBLE SAYS OTHERWISE LALALALALA"
The first post in that thread is absolutely insane.
I cannot believe that people's minds actually work that way.
That is the pure and true opposite of logic.
Holy shit! There are still people who believe that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!
Given the kind of person it's coming from, I can't say I'm surprised.
Re:WMD's in Iraq
There were WMD's in Iraq, in the form of the Depleleted Uranium Ammunition used by the U.S armed forces, most notably in the M1A2 Abrams Tank in it's primary Armour-piercing shell, & also in the GAU-8 Avenger 30mm cannon, used in the A-10 aircraft during Operation Enduring Freedom...
Considering said weapons fall under the Radiological Weapons remit of the Geneva Convention, i.e under the terms of the Geneva Convention, they're counted as WMD, you can argue that the U.S used WMD in Iraq...
The Iraqi's by contrast, had none...
If their were WMD in Iraq why didn't we find them?
[I gave a Bush-hater about 30 pages of evidence of WMDs from the internet]
Yeah, because everyone knows youtube videos are great evidence.
Question this. Please. Perhaps some of you will believe it to be true? and ORGANIZATION
I respect all choices and will not argue with insults I receive for this. I'm asking for it, really.
I personally believe this to be true, and I hope others will agree. Enki is a truly caring father, and I wish humanity would open their eyes to him.
"Trying to prove God to an atheist is like trying to prove there were WMDs in Iraq to a Bush-hater."
There's no evidence for either and so it's really hard to convince reasonable people that they exist?
"Those were the two stupidest words I ever said."
--George Tenet, on his claim that the Bush administration had "slam dunk" evidence of WMDs in Iraq.
You fail.
It would appear that your "evidence" of WMDs turned out to be about as legitimate as your evidence for God. After all both were fabricated merely to exploit the gullible. Now are you listening or don't you want to hear?
Edit:@#1510013 (Rising Warrior)
Wow, preaching Hinduism on an Atheist site, you've got class dude. I would say you have come to the right place. You'll find a lot of people here who would be willing to worship the mighty cock of holiness.
Note: The above image isn't a hyperbole, it was actually taken from the URL provided by "Rising Warrior". That really is some sort of a holy phallus of gods or something.
Wow, Rising Warrior should get together with the "God's holy penis"-guy, what was his name, Navarros?
Holy fuck for pitching Hinduism to ex-Jew/ex-Christian Atheists. That's like some guy going to BestBuy and saying he wants to move up from something like this:
To something like this:
And some shifty looking guy walks up to him and says, "hey if communication is what you wanna do, I have a better idea. For a measly $200 you can get yourself SMOKE SIGNALS! They are much cheaper to maintain, no battery, no issues with range and connectivity, and best of all, it's all natural..."
Seriously man, no, just go away.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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