"I thought I might introduce a Science that has become very popular to everyone. Its called Axiology. It studies the Human Morals and Values of people and their very being! Interesting stuff huh? So, I guess if the Atheist wishes everything to be proven through Science, this counts then, correct?
But the problem that the Atheist has is no explanation for Morality!
Thus, Atheism as an Axiological Science fails its own standards of proving everything through Science. (Moral Relativism is not an answer here).
On the other hand, it appears that Christianity can NOW be proven through Science . http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=002 ...2.0.CO%3 B2-P
Works pretty well for us, don't it!"
Sounds like a pseudo-science to me, but physiology and sociology has long looked into why Humans act the way they do. Actions include morals and so there have been valid explanations to them for some time. I am therefore completely aware of the need Humans have for religion. But, I'm also of the belief that we have come far enough where we can begin putting aside these thousand year old ideas and stop looking for answers in the imagination of ourselves/others and instead look for them in the world around us. Morals themselves don't have to go away with religion. It's just that instead of justifying them based on the idea of a higher power, they are justified by the needs and wants of society as a whole which is really all they are now.
You should be really careful with using words like this because you are speaking for over 6 billion people by invoking it. And I just happen to disagree, I never heard of this "science" before.
It studies the Human Morals and Values of people and their very being!
Psychology, Psychiatry, socialogy and biology study why people do what they do and how they do it to. Why do we need your "science" next to them?
On the other hand, it appears that Christianity can NOW be proven through Science
Oh, I see. You added the word "science" behind somethign to proof christianity. Just like "creation science" proofs creation is real.
Now I will talk about Idiotioticollogy, the science that studies the level of idioticity of guys like you. Jokes aside, Axiology deals with quality. I mean, it´s a subdivision of certain disciplines in economics and on marketing sciences, for obvious reasons, or even in phylosophy. In this case, it´s like all the phylosophy with Plato and the sort on that. It´s not science and it doesn´t apply to the rigor of mathematics, at least in this latter case. It has nothing to do with what the nonsense you have mentioned. I nominate this one redefinition word award.
"the Atheist has is no explanation for Morality!"
Why would you think that? My morals are the same as they were when I bought into religion because I recognized at an early age taht I didn't like to be punched in the face or my shit stolen, so I didn't do it to other people and it happened alot less frequently. I didn't need some god or devil or magic beans to tell me not to do things that will harm others. And I sure didn't need the bible turning right around and showing me that god could do the very things that it condemned. Whatever morality is learned from the bible, it is flawed and it requires a good bit of undoing and redoing before it is true.
I would argue that my ethics are even more moral than your own based on some simple concepts. I don't require some fear of retribution to be kept on the straight and narrow, I do it just because it is the right thing to do. You however only engage in ethical behavior out of fear of punishiment. That isn't morality, that is being coerced. Since you don't believe that you can be ethical without coercion, you therefore are in fact immoral.
I guess if someone tried to explain gene preservation vs. survival of the individual to YeshuaMarine, he's just plug his ears and hum, huh?
This guy is rapidly becoming one of my favorites, joining the epic pantheon of Carico (God formed people from space water...sorta), JohnR7 (solar winds blew the ark into Neptune's orbit), dad (the laws of the time-space continuum changed after the flood), and supersport (everyone, ever , is going to hell...except me).
I thought all you bible people knew the roots of morality. You even have a name for it, it's called the "golden rule". Of course, it's been around for much longer than the bible, and one can live by it without swallowing all those tall tales and Jesus-stories.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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