While Dr. Kent Hovind rots in prison for 10-years for not applying for a $50 state-license because of his religious convictions, Casey Anthony's mother is acquitted of murdering her child and slapped on the wrist for lying to police repeatedly. Talk about a rigged jury! Scott Peterson didn't receive the same treatment, they crucified him in California. Florida is a corrupt state, which is also where poor Terri Schiavo was murdered. Florida's judges are evil... punishing the righteous, acquitting the wicked, and killing the innocent.
There is no justice anyone in America. While murderers go free, mothers receive life in prison for possession of $40 of cocaine. While people are arrested and dragged into court for growing tomatoes in their front yard, treasonous criminals have taken over the White House and the evil newsmedia protects them, demonizing citizens instead. Sean Hannity is a paid professional liar and a rich stooge for the global elite.
There is a New World Order AN AGENDA to put undue stress upon families in America, to cause as many divorces as possible, to take your home, to take your children... to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY (John 10:10). Out of chaos the global elite are plotting to build a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State!!! This will be the Beast System of the coming man of sin, a charismatic and influential world dictator, the Antichrist.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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