David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
America is controlled by the Masonic Scottish Rite, located just 13 blocks north of The White House. The structure of the House Of The Temple is bizarre, having 33 outer columns, each 33 feet tall. The building's address is not actually 1733, but they made it that number anyway to fit their numeric superstitions. Occultists love numbers. Numbers have meaning and symbolic powers associated with them. For example: the number 13 represents rebellion. The September 11, 2001 attacks happened 10-years to the date after President George H. Bush publickly called for a New World Order. And so it is. David Rockefeller practically told the world that the globalists were going to blew up the trade towers.
The top of the House Of The Temple is missing the capstone of The Great Pyramid. It's been correctly stated that Jesus is the capstone of the pyramid of prophecy. Revelation 19:10 teaches that Jesus is the spirit of all prophecy. John 5:39 confirms this truth. Thus, when you study the Bible, look for how it all relates to our wonderful and precious Savior, Jesus Christ. Inversely, the Antichrist is the capstone of the pyramid of the New World Order. To understand the New World Order, look for how it all relates to the coming Antichrist. The Antichrist will promote the Beast's IMAGE, leading the world to worship Satan (Revelation 13:15).
As we approach the End Times, our understanding is becoming more clearer of what is happening in the world. The puzzle pieces are fitting together. Did you know that the Washington Monument in our nation's capitol is 666.6 feet tall and 666.6 inches wide? Yes, it's true! That's the EXACT ratio of king Nebuchadnezzar's golden image in Daniel 3:1. America's secret destiny is further evidenced by the secret layout of Washington D.C. and the abundance of occult symbols.
The Washington Monument is a Masonic symbol, which represents the male phallus. It's origin goes back to ancient Egypt, as does The Great Pyramid. I believe the capstone is missing atop The Great Pyramid because the tower and city of Babel were never completed. God stopped them dead in their tracks by confounding them (Genesis 11:7-9).