My own Hadron Collider is the same one science uses with the other observations that science has revelations mixed in.
And what it is all telling me is that everything unifies into one, simple understanding...the universe and all its laws emanate from the behaviour of one property...a dynamic material that can erupt into a dynamic energy that is so superabundant that every star is made from it and all the energy they contain.
If we ventured inside one of these very early stars, at its birth, we would not be met by hydrogen atoms we would be met with this dynamic material, heavily squashed and crushed and swirling round in violent mayhem. Every time this material crashed with itself head-on the tiniest hole formed and in the twinkling of an eye trillions upon trillions of imploding holes were snatching in intense but measured amounts of this surrounding, dynamic material. The first imploding wave of energy filled in a neutral way then subsequent, high-speed ebbing and flowing brought in second and third waves of this energy until the imploding force became satisfied...but as we now know, it is never entirely satisfied.
Almighty God gave me the raw material to work with and science gave me the facts to dissect.
..."trillions of imploding holes were snatching in intense but measured amounts of this surrounding, dynamic material. The first imploding wave of energy filled in a neutral way then subsequent, high-speed ebbing and flowing brought in second and third waves of this energy until the imploding force became satisfied..."
Sounds like 2AM in the field behind one of our local dance halls at the weekend.
"Almighty God gave me the raw material to work with and science gave me the facts to dissect."
OK! You've given us the incoherent babble, or the raw material of Almighty God if you will, and I, plus possibly the odd incoherent troll, have appreciated it. Now it's time to give us the scientific dissection.
quirky bit of poetry - so how did it make the news? Garner such weighty consideration, by so serious, learned, yeah eminent jurists?
Broton, I missed the answer, are you in Scotland?
[note to below: Einstein championed thought experiments}\]
Broton, thanks, I'll go back and look, it gets a bit cumbersome trying to follow a few pages
Every time I go to Geneva, Switzerland, I don't have enough warning to get on the two-month waiting list to tour the CERN and the LHC.
I should simply ask NicolasMarks to show me his "basement" LHC instead!
"My own Hadron Collider is the same one science uses"
(*Inflates 'Proton pack'; gives it to him. Pats Nickie on head *)
That's nice, dear:
This nutjob can spew all the pseudoscience - based on his book of worse -than fairy stories: the Bible - in the world. One inescapable thing, though:
'A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. '
-Friedrich Nietzsche
And boy, do you loony-tunes fundies just keep proving it.
Keep pointing & laughing at the freak, good peeps, keep pointing & laughing.
Michio Kaku built a particle accelerator when he was 15. He wrapped miles of copper wire around the chain link fence of his highschool foot ball field and built a cloud machine out of a fish tank that he put in the middle of the field. Blowing out all the power in his house, he generated a magnetic field stronger than the Earth's. The cloud chamber had tracks left by electrons bent by the magnetic field.
Obviously the power in the Hadron Collider is orders of magnitude larger, where smashing protons with enough power to momentarily reveal the traces of a Higgs Boson for a millionth of second. None of this reinforces the completely inane horseshit -elephant shit? zebra shit? whats more bullshit than horseshit?- little nicky posts. Don't watch the godamn history channel and make shit up and say you understand science. It's far more complicated than that.
"... the same one science uses with the other observations that science has made..."
Whenever you hear a fundie talk about all of science as if it's a person, or a single monolithic entity, you know they have no idea what the hell science is.
This post just sounds like an unknowledgable guy's thought experiment. It would be fun to dissect philosophically, but there's nothing insane or particularly stupid here. But his Freudian description of how stars form is hilarious, although it could be intentionally sexual and not Freudian at all.
@ Solipsism for Jesus
If you don't think this is insane or particularly stupid, then there's something wrong with you.
Is it just that you don't understand the meaning of the words he's using? Or the bizarre, contrary-to-observed-reality nature of the knowledge claims he's making?
Cracker Jack. Now you've done it.
You've only gone and reminded of one of the major memories of when I was a callow youth: the mobile shop that frequented the bottom of my street at least once a week. How I used to buy a box or two of Cracker Jack from that van; ah, those clusters of toffee, popcorn & peanuts, and the toys that were contained therein. They were the Kinder Eggs of the past.
'Twas the only source - in my neck of the woods - of this delightful comestible too.
(*massive nostalgia bomb goes off in brain *)
Nicky, Nicky, Nicky, that's not your Hadron collider where all this stuff comes from. I'll give you a couple of hints; 1) It isn't your elbow and 2) it isn't a hole in the ground.
Can you guess what it is?
@Mister Spak
I have a hadron collider too. I carry it around in a duffel bag.
A guy tried to sell me one the other day on the street, but shit, I have two at home already.
~~...but as we now know, it is never entirely satisfied. ~~
Huh. Typical female stuff.
@ Dayvan Cowboy:
...he generated a magnetic field stronger than the Earth's.
Not really hard to do since the Earth's magnetic field is incredibly weak (25-65 uT, that's micro Teslas, or 0.25-0.65 Gauss) in comparison to most other fields. On the opposite end, for example, medical MRIs use 1.5, 3 or 5 Teslas for the static magnetic field.
The link showed even more hilarious classics.
People with nothing to say but meaningless bible quotes that had nothing to do with the discussion.
One line. And then 3-4 bible verses about their fantasy dick in the sky, and nothing else.
"Some people are just fucking stupid!"
George Carlin
@Thinking Allowed:
Nick has a hadron collider? All I have is this lousy roll of duct tape.
Well, with enough duct tape you should be able to build your own LHC.
You built your own LHC in your basement? I think the IAEA or the NRC might want to hear about this.
Of course, I sincerely doubt you're intelligent enough to know what the LHC actually does, so I'll just assume you bought a donut and called it the "Large Hadron Collider"
"My own Hadron Collider is the same one science uses with the other observations that science has revelations mixed in." was built for you by Tony Stark, to the same specifications as the one he built in "Iron Man II", to create a completely new & pure element to replace the Palladium that was degrading in his chest's Arc Reactor, amirite?
In his own little world, is Nickie here. Hey, I'm an enthusiast of all things by His Excelsior!ness Stan Lee, and the Great God Jack Kirby, but even I can tell the difference between comics/film fantasy and Reality. It was reading your Bible cover-to-cover in my teens that made me the Atheist I am today. Frankly, the worst dreck by the 10,000th-rate hack, pathological liar amd $cientology founder L. Ron Hubbard is that by Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke by comparison.
And your own 'Sci-Fi' wouldn't even get rated in Yet, the massive bestseller "50 Shades of Grey" started out as a fan fic.
Your 'raw material' isn't worthy of being read , Nickie.
I made a LHC in my back yard. Ended up turning it into a particle cannon. Then the government confiscated it. Apparently the second amendment doesn't cover death rays that can disintegrate a skyscraper.
Damn gubbmints taking away our particle cannons!
"n the twinkling of an eye trillions upon trillions of imploding holes were snatching in intense but measured amounts of this surrounding, dynamic material. The first imploding wave of energy filled in a neutral way then subsequent, high-speed ebbing and flowing brought in second and third waves of this energy until the imploding force became satisfied...but as we now know, it is never entirely satisfied."
Are you sure that your Hadron Collider is not actually a Hardon Collider?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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