Deep Doo #racist

The deep state defined as a state within a state is a good way to look at it. Collective Israel, Jews in positions of power, are the deep state. Of course Wikipedia or USA Today won’t say that.

Department heads, CEOs, chiefs of staff, billionaires, and similar Jews in high places run the world’s governments and influential institutions, especially secret agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA. Prophecy as far back as Genesis made predictions about Levi, the father of Judaism, and his secrets -

Gen 49:5-6 GNT - Simeon and Levi are brothers. They use their weapons to commit violence. 6 I will not join in their SECRET talks, nor will I take part in their meetings, for they killed people in anger and they crippled bulls for sport.

The JWO spies, lieutenants, and underlings have a tight grip on the secret agencies. They prefer darkness to light, deceit to truth, secrecy to transparency. They hide their dark deeds or blame them on their enemies - Christians typically.

Richard Nixon probably didn’t realize the government, media, and institutions of power were so infected with Jews until he found out the hard way. Long after Nixon was dead, it came out that FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt was betraying Nixon to the Jews Media.

After keeping secret for 30 years his involvement with reporters Carl BernSTEIN and Bob Woodward, Felt admitted on May 31, 2005, to being the Watergate scandal’s whistleblower, “Deep Throat.”

Doing devilish deeds for the Jews is how folks like Felt get to the top of the heap. Felt’s deep state stuff is how he got to be Deputy Director of the FBI. Felt understood that deep state Jews were more powerful than Nixon.

As MA Rothschild infamously stated - Let me issue a nation’s currency and it won’t matter who the leaders are. Clever people with unlimited amounts of money can pull off nearly anything they set their mind to do.

Is Trump a useful idiot, a puppet who doesn’t know he is a puppet? Is Trump a Jew himself, a crypto Jew? Is Trump Jew-wise? Has Trump sold out to the Rothschild banksters who run the world? Is Trump in bed with Zionist Jews?

You can get a clue about what the Jews do by what they DON’T say. Take JFK for example. There have been lots of Jews media documentaries, movies, shows on the Discovery channel, TLC, History channel, PBS, etc, blaming Castro, Italian Mafiosos, Lee Oswald, Russians, and others for the murder of JFK.

But the media never blames the Jews for killing JFK. Never! The Jews media blames it on everybody but Jews. That’s just one more clue about who was behind the JFK assassination.

Somehow, Mystery Babylon - the Zionist Jews - will be overthrown as foretold in prophecy. But for Trump to be part of that overthrow seems unlikely because Trump was put in office by such Zionist Jews as Adelson and those identified in the RJN link above.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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