r2d2 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
I think I finally figured out this chemtrail nonsense after 10 years of giving it serious thought rather regularly. I have several advanced degrees in both science and engineering, and a deep understanding of the history and law history of the USA, and have most licenses available in aviation. So I am able to understand many things in their technical foundations. For years, the bell didn't ring as to what the exact purpose of chemtrails are, which we can all see in a flashlight beam at night (scary to see - go check).
Then, the other day, here in South Central Alaska, somewhere around March 18, 2015, I was standing outside at 3-4am eating a sandwich, after doing some midnight shopping. The Time-Temp sign said -5F, and it was that cold in the least - cold enough to give you frostbitten fingers if you didn't warm them up every 5-10 minutes or so. Then a delivery truck pulls up to drop off some things into a closed fast-food shop, which I thought was interesting, in seeing the efficiency of the 24/7 marketplace. And I watched, eating a big foot-long sub. Then it got noticably warmer and warmer, very fast. After conversing with the driver for a while, we said good-byes, and just as he was getting into his truck, he said "It sure is getting warmer, ha?" And I noticed it was warm enough for me to want to take my coat off, I was getting "too warm", and I looked at the Time-Temp sign, and it said 35F. It had warmed up 40F in less than an hour. This has never happened before, ever. It was stunning.
Consider the potential medical harm of chemtrails, the stage for global governance, the lack of fertile arable land (8 million sq.mi for 8 billion people), the capitalist usurious need for growth and ever-increasing populations to pay on ever-increasing debts, the government shill-infiltration and massive amount of outrageous anti-chemtrail propaganda, the political silence and coverup, the global scope of the operation, the scientific-class coverup, the aluminum resistant GMOs, the silence of all nations on earth, the refusual of labs to perform testing of chemtrail residues, the Global Warming agenda and Carbon Credit scam, that making the atmosphere more dense and/or reflective traps the Earth's heat (85% of the heat on Earth) and warms the surface, and the HAARP facilities ...
It's all come together now, the bell is ringing loudly and clearly about a week or two later as I think back on that morning. I am super-confident (99%) that I understand it all now. Chemtrails are a US + US military operation to control the entire weather on Earth by filling the atmosphere with a composite aerosol, with which they can instantly heat up any areas on earth with HAARP facilities (areas within the interference pattern), thus creating any weather condition or event they desire anywhere on Earth, thus putting all nations on notice that "you do as we say now ... we own you, we own the Earth." This will also facilitate the expansion of arable land into the Arctic and Antarctic regions, allowing capitalism to continue without initiating a massive die-off, considering the lack of arable land and the never-ending-growth requirements of capitalism, and allow Global Governance it's final and complete power over all of Earth.
It's GAME OVER! And it is all the result of the great powers that were created by landless paupers that have turned the USA and the world into a great plantation of dependents that live on their knees, begging for their morsels of food and entertainment (please remind yourselves of the words on the Statue of Liberty). Once a nation transforms from an independent people sustaining themselves upon the land, to a dependent people that beg on their knees to tyrants, GAME OVER is on the horizon. All I can say to the pro-immigraters and lustful greedy begging breeders of Earth is: YOU FUCKING DISGUST ME! Breeders and their religious supporters that created children they could never possibly provision an independent life for: this is the only thing that can be blamed for what has become of this planet. YOU FUCKING FILTHY PIGS! Don't you go pointing your fingers at the big evildoers - because you are the ones that created them all! THE END! THE END OF A WORLD WORTH LIVING IN!
PS. This may also explain 911 dustification: the interference patterns by HAARP arrays on earth and in space can be used to heat metallic particles.