In an article entitled "Does President-Elect Obama Bring Hope for Animals?" PETA quotes Obama as saying,
"I think how we treat our animals reflects how we treat each other. And it's very important that we have a president who is mindful of the cruelty that is perpetrated on animals."
Interesting. Wikipedia reports in its Animal Rights article,
"On November 24, 1933, the ...animal protection law, was introduced, with Adolf Hitler announcing an end to animal cruelty: ..."In the new Reich, no more animal cruelty will be allowed."
Himmler likewise is famous for preaching kindness to animals
Perhpas this area needs more study.
"Perhpas" so. Those two guys didn't really treat all animals with kindness, did they? Humans are also animals, you know. But some people seems to think that dogs deserve better treatment than blacks, or women, or gays.
If you look at your argument another way; should we treat animals bad, because the leaders of the Third Reich treated them with kindness? Or what is your point?
Wow. That's animal welfare. Really reaching to smear Obama, there. "How can we make it a bad thing that Obama is against cruelty to animals." "Well... Hitler wanted to end animal cruelty..." "That's the ticket!"
Hitler was not for animal rights. He was not a vegetarian, despite what Rorschach says. And even if he were that doesn't make it bad.
Well it is true, animals are treated quite terribly, and in ways you'd -never- treat a human... well, and get away with it, at least.
Ironically, we often show animals greater mercy by "putting them down" when they are suffering a long, slow death, but insist that their hoomin family members suffer a long, slow, painful death. (Such as dying of cancer.)
Now my head hurts.
Hitler had much in common with Obama:
They both have heads
They both breathe oxygen
They both have black hair
They are both male
They are both homo sapiens
ZOMG!! Could it be that obama is hitler??!!?
Conservapedia, if Hitler were alive now, he'd be a member. Obama speaking about kindness to animals in no way makes up for his skin colour and his being on the wrong side politically. But best not to make a credible argument against what he actually says, oh no, lets make fatuous and spurious assertions and make completely ridiculous comparisons thereby showing how idiotic we are. Yeah! That's the usual course of events. After all, we are Conservapedia, we got a reputation to uphold.
Here's another area that needs more study:
"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
- Adolf Hitler, 1933 speech in Berlin
PETA are batshit insane, I thought conservapedia would have liked them.
No, because it's a competing brand of bat-shit insanity.
re Hitler's diet: It is true that, toward the end of his life, his diet was almost exclusively vegetarian, but this was not due to principle, but because of his terrible digestion. His doctor, the quack Morell, prescribed this diet. It did very little for him, except make him fart a lot. (Really, a lot). Re alcohol, he was known to occasionally drink one glass of (not very strong) beer, but that was it. He abhorred drunkenness.
The thing he really was principled about, though, was smoking. He hated it, fanatically. Perhaps Conservapedia need to study the President's smoking habits, or lack of same. Or perhaps they just need to get a life.
I knew that Obama was a Nazi as soon as he bought his daughters that dog. It's true - you just can't trust people who oppose animal cruelty. It's a slippery slope - first you buy a dog, next you start patting it, and next you've succumbed to bestiality. Just as well Obama's dog is a male! If it had been a female and had black puppies then that would have been PROOF that strange sexual practices were going on in the White House!
I bet car theft was illegal in Nazi Germany too. Murder and thieving and fraud, all illegal in Germany under Hitler.
I don't see anyone advocating making these things legal here because of it. WHY NOT?
Obama wears trousers. Hitler wore trousers. Hmmm... Obviously there is a clear connection there.
Oh, shit. I wear trousers...!
OK, let's study it some more.
Oddly enough, it seems that Hitler also opposed abortion, banned the teaching of evolution, and denied homosexuals equal rights.
"Perhpas this area needs more study."
And no doubt they'll be using their own source (superior to those of Reuters & AP):
After all, it's where Conservapedia get all their facts from.
Draw a line from your left ear, across the top of your head, to your right ear. Now draw another from ear to ear just above your undoubtedly pronounced brow ridge. This is the area that needs more study. Something is very wrong there. When you are through with that, please go back to your room, tell your plastic blow-up doll all about it, stop these vain attempts to be popular, and STFU!
Because someone bad does something good, that doesn't make it bad. People are defined by their actions, acts are not defined by those who engage in them.
Hitler was not "all bad". He did at least manage to turn the country out of the Great depression with all speed and unify a fractious and unstable nation. I'm not apologizing for him, merely pointing out that nobody can be all bad, the world is never that easy.
Perhaps the area of logical fallacies needs more study at conservapedia.
Does anyone actively preach for UNkindness to animals? I mean, come on, Rob, you choose an issue that pretty much everyone rational agrees on. No one argues that you shouldn't be cruel to animals, they just argue about what constitutes cruelty.
So, protection of animal rights was done by the Nazis and therefore is closely connected to the extermination of jews?
Well, the Nazis were also great at building highways and waging wars. Both things in which the USA excel as well.
And the Nazi also used a (supposed) terrorist attack as a pretext to pass laws which decreased the liberties of their citizens and enabled them to put certain population groups under surveillance.
Now guess which american president used a terrorist attack as a pretext to pass the patriot act, a set of laws which enables the government to put certain population groups under surveillance and restrict the rights of american citizens ;)
Hitler had hair. Do you have hair, RobSmith? Perhaps this area needs more study.
Hitler ate eggs for breakfast. Millions of people across America have eggs for breakfast every day. I think this area needs more study.
Bullshit. Not meaning to defend Hitler here - obviously the man committed some of the most appalling crimes in history - but that doesn't mean everything he did was automatically bad. He had a splendid new road network built, for example - does that mean that every leader who builds new roads is automatically a genocidal maniac?
Actually, thinking about it, if Obama did start a major road-building programme, you guys would probably find a Godwin in that too.
God, you fundies are SO obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler. Could it be that you WANT him to be like Hitler?? Y'know, with all the torture, and the death camps, and the no-political-dissension-allowed, and the eugenics? Really?
I mean, I know fundies are into that stuff, but come on.
In an article entitled "Bush's Illegal War" the author quotes the director of the University of Iowa's Center for Human Rights as saying, "the U.S. war in Iraq was completely illegal, according to the existing body of international law regarding military intervention."
Interesting. Wikipedia reports in its Invasion of Poland article, "Following a German-staged 'Polish attack' on 31 August 1939, on 1 September German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west."
Cheney likewise is famous for preaching war with countries that did not attack the U.S.
Perhaps this area needs more study.
P.S. You are going to hell for using teh ebil Wikipedia. Conservatives/christians should only use Conservapedia as a source on pain of eternal damnation!
Also, Hitler killed his faithful dog before committing suicide.
Actually Peta does consider Hitler a great man because he was a vegetarian.
And Obama killed a fly on national television.
therefore, Hitler good, Obama (burger eating bastard) bad.
I'm fairly sure that it was illegal to rape and kill small blonde children in the streets of Munich under the Nazis too. Should we legalize that so we can have one less thing in common with the Third Reich?
Also, I thought Conservapedians thought Wikipedia was a Marxist cesspool of leftist bias. I guess if they find information on it that might support one of their queer little beliefs, even if its from a source they don't believe; they'll jump on it.
I can't believe they actually just did that.
"Obama saves a kitten" "HE'S EVIL"
I warned this would happen but I wasn't serious.
So -everyone- who thinks non-humans should be treated well is a Nazi now?
Instead of picking out a couple of bad examples, why don't you look at everyone advocating for this. You'll find a lot of normal people in the mix.
I haven't seen this place in days and now that I come back, my head is starting to hurt again...I really have to stop torturing myself with these idiotic imbeciles and the things they say...
Oh, by the way, wasn't it the Nazi SS that were taught to raise puppies and then kill them later as a showing of loyalty to Hitler? Correct me if I am wrong, please.
What Conservapoodia says or thinks (certainly those who 'contribute' to it; Andy Schaftafly, we mean you ) isn't worth shit anyway.
So President Obama said that about animals. He got his children Sasha & Malia a dog (one breed in particular that wouldn't react to one of his daughters' allergy). He also eats meat. Certain types of animals are bred as pets. Certain types of animals have been bred specifically as food. There is a difference.
But you wouldn't know that, being educationally inferior fundies, right-wingers & neocons. Or you merely say these things as part of your overall butthurt that your precious Caribou Barbie and the Corpse were denied their rightful place in the White House by an uppity darkie who had ideas above his station. Fact is, Obama's there because the majority of Americans (even those who'd previously voted Repubican) had enough of your poster boy of the Religious Right/Neocons/Inbreds, George Wanker Bush, and wanted someone who was intelligent enough to get them out of the unholy mess created by your God Emperor of Fucking Up, Dumbya.
Well, Obama's in there now, with the unenviable task of repairing the unimaginable damage to your country by Dumbya, which he'd inherited. He's YOUR President. Live with it.
Duh, Obama appears to be involved in Holocaust denial. Obama claims "how we treast animals is a reflection of how we treat each other." Hitler, Himmler & the Nazi's were kind to animals.
Geezuz, 93 comments a not a damn one can read.
Duh, Obama appears to be involved in Holocaust denial.
[citation needed].
93 comments, and RobSmith either hasn't read or understood any of them. Typical!
"Duh, Obama appears to be involved in Holocaust denial"
Duh, RobSmith appears to be involved in Bible denial. Eat pork & shellfish, and wear polyester-cotton mix clothing? Work on a Saturday too? Then you're in denial of the laws in the OT. And you DARE to criticise your president? Just because he's the wrong politics and colour ? We had to suffer your poster boy of the Religious Right, Dumbya, it's your turn now.
(sorry for the OD'ing on CapsLock, but it needed to be emphasised to this cuntbrain neocon fundy)
WOW. This is absolutely ridiculous.
[No, I'm not exactly pro-Obama. But criticism has its limits, and this has broken them.]
Wow. So, you didn't know until now about the Hitler/animal rights thing?
No wonder you go for the Godwin every time... You don't know anything about Nazis, do you? Have you heard he had only got one ball too?
Also, this is old hat. Andrew Bolt has been calling vegetarians and environmentalists Nazis for ages now. Same tired stupid line, still not working.
Obama - in his victory speech - said that one dog was enough for Sasha and Malia.
Even despite the further work in cleaning up the almighty fuckup by Dumbya, the leader of the Free World taking time for their dog Bo speaks volumes about him. He cares - and not just about animals , neither.
And to my knowledge, Conservapoodia, there is no equivalent of the UK's charity People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (effectively an 'NHS for Animals') in the US (unless a US commenter would care to prove me wrong; say, the ASPCA = PDSA? Then I'd be glad to be corrected!). No 'Obamacare' for animals = your argument is invalid .
Godwin fail! Just because the Nazis treated animals right doesn't mean we should treat them like shit. Also, PETA is a group of evil murderous thugs who kill innocent, healthy animals while screaming "murderer" at people who eat meat!
I love animals (not just as meat either), which is why I HATE PETA with a burning passion!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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