Women need to be taught from the pulpit to shut up; submit to her husband; and to bake cookies, learn to make clothes and care for her children at home instead of pursuing a career outside the home. Economic oppression is being used as a weapon against families in America. The globalists behind the New World Order don't want you to have more than one child.
The Georgia Guidestones mysteriously appeared out of nowhere in 1979. A well-dressed anonymous man paid for the monument, which shows the blueprint for man's future on earth if the Lord tarries His return. The Guidestones call for a reduction of the earth's population to 500,000,000 people (a 90% reduction from present population numbers). Through sterilization-laced vaccines, the globalists are succeeding. All of the help-the-children program today sponsored by the United Nations are front groups for population reduction agendas.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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