David J Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Hello Justin,
Thank you for regularly visiting my website ministry, and thank you for the kind words.
I agree with you about Pastor Anderson, and it is unfortunate that he teaches hatred against homosexuals. It hurts his ministry. I have addressed this in the past online, to warn web visitors and let them know where I stand on the issue...
I have also written a lengthy article, differentiating between what Dr. Jack Hyles rightly taught about the "reprobate doctrine" verses the unscriptural view of Pastor Anderson...
Having said that, Brother Hyles used to say that he'd rather see a guy with wild fire than no fire. Steven Anderson has fire! I have learned so much about the Word of God from listening to his preaching, and if it helps me, it will help others. NO ONE in America today that I know of is doing more to get souls saved than Pastor Anderson. He is organizing soul-winning events nationwide, and around the world, for which I admire him and fully support his efforts. He is criticized by many, and I don't want to fight against my brother who is getting the job done. Faithful Word Baptist Church goes soul-winning 7-days a week, doing incredibly work reaching the Indians that no other churches seem to care about. So for this reason, I am "patient with those who are with young," a great sermon I heard long ago by Brother Hyles.