An apple is either rotten, or its ripe. There is no inbetween. This same backwards logic is often applied to other various secular ideologies:
Atheism: Either there is a God, or there isnt.
Evolution: Either God created us, or we evolved.
Im just pointing out the fallacies here, this logic doesn't work. There is no middle ground, there is no inbetween.
Atheism: Either there is a God, or there isnt. I fail to see how this is a fallacy. Either there's a God, or there isn't. How can there be a middle-ground here?
Can I say the same about you?
Me: Is there a Trinidad and Tobago in the world?
You: Nah, only a little, about 60%, not fully.
I mean, what?
Evolution: Either God created us, or we evolved. I've heard far, far more fundies say this than atheists. In fact, it's the fundies who love to say that "evolution is false, thus God created us".
Re : Sgeo & BurntBush.
[First Response by T&T]
If you and me looked at an apple, and I said to you: "The apple is red" and you said "no it's black", would you call me biased? The Truth is never biased.
squirrel : Depends on which side of the apple each person is looking at. Both statements could be true.
Then the above quote came next.
There are several degrees of rotteness, indeed. So, all your logic fails there, particularly with evolution. The theory doesn´t deny God. It does deny Genesis, but not God itself. I think that´s your problem. You see things in a simple, white-and-black way.
Uh, actually there are many more divisions for the theistic side [Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Polytheistic religions, Scientology, etc etc] than the atheistic side.
Okay, fine, you win. God exists, but only sort of. He's real, but He's sort of half-faded out.
Atheism: Either there is a God, or there isnt.
Right. There isn't
Evolution: Either God created us, or we evolved.
Wrong. There are many who believe that God created us through the process of evolution. Those people even have a name, theistic evolutionists.
Evolution: Either God created us, or we evolved.
I can think of a hundred more possible scenarios that lead to the rise of life on this planet. That is not the issue. The point here is to find the one that works when challenged with available evidence. That model turns out to be abiogenesis followed by evolution. Which part don't you understand?
An apple can also be nothing but a bud, or a none-too-tasty unripe apple that needs a few more days. Then of course there's the apples that are over-ripened, not too good to eat but perfect for making jam....
My my my... that's quite a few things seperate from your abosolutes there.
Guess T&T just can't think of more than 10 things at a time. Either he speaks binary, or he's just an idiot.
Atheism: There is no God.
There is no middle ground, there is no inbetween.
While there are many things that have no inbetweens, I am pretty sure that not everything is that black and white. Evolution could have happened with the intervention of some diety, just ask "theistic evolutionists".
Either there is a God, or there isnt.
Actually there are a whole bunch of "in betweens": there may be multiple gods; there maybe was a god, but he's not around anymore; there's a god, but he isn't omnipotent or omniscient; there's a god but he has no interest in humanity; a god created a self-sustaining universe 15 billion years ago, then forgot about it; god was created by a still-higher god ... etc.
You have never seen a real apple. There are several stages from flowers in the tree to juicy goo on the ground. From ripe to rotten there are "nice firm apple", "a bit soggy, but still OK", "rather soggy, but good for apple sauce", "very soggy indeed, but perhaps the horse will eat it" and "no, it's no use, it's rotten".
Atheism: you forgot "which of all the thousands upon thousands of gods that man has invented is the real one/are the real ones"?
Evolution: or we're just figments of some alien's imagination. Which God created us, btw; Odin, Shiva, Brahman, Zeus, Jupiter, Quetzalcoatl, Gaia?
The logic that doesn't work, is that there is no in-between, stupid.
Your lack of vision and your inability to conceive of third options is laughable.
Now, tell me again why we should take you seriously.
"Atheism: Either there is a God, or there isnt"
Since Atheism is a disbelief in ALL claims of supernatural beings it can't be narrowed to your God at all. Many Atheists and pagans in the world have never heard of your God. Atheists don't believe in Zeus or Odin either.
"Evolution: Either God created us, or we evolved."
Again assuming there is only the concept of one particular God, while you believe this there happens to be hundreds of others that are/were believed in. It's just as possible for any of those deities existance as yours.
Your mindset here is the same as Pascal's Wager, a complete failure as a formula of chance as it ignores all other beliefs and asserts only two options available.
Well. . .
If "god" is an invention of the human mind, then god either exists or doesn't exist, times the population of the world. God is or isn't listening, depending upon who you're talking to.
He doesn't live in my house.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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