So, the liberals have a problem. The Fundamental Tenet of Liberalism-- all differences can be explained by racism-- is wrong. They've spent tens of trillions of dollars of our money trying to erode those differences, and they've failed. Hey, let's try to see what happens if we snatch the kids away, and keep them from their underprivileged parents. I mean, before we completely give up on our Fundamental Tenet.
The results will be mixed. Some blacks will find it harder to join gangs, so they will be compelled to get educated. Some will rebel because they're not cut out for school. The ones in the right tail will be grateful, and it will benefit them. But it won't close the gap, and then someone will say it's because they weren't really accepted by their white parents or their white teachers, etc. And liberals will have found a way to take tens more trillions from us, and still have no solution to the "achievement gap," nor the "crime gap," nor the "intelligence gap." No solution except the obvious one of course: the circle can't be squared.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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