legit27 #racist shroomery.org

Sure, I don't agree with their notion of white pride. And I don't believe in their desire to cut off all American foreign aid, nor their desire to outlaw homosexuality, nor their anti-abortion stance. I think their plans for creating a Christian nation are horrible and damaging. And I think their history of racism is a truly terrible thing.
But there is a lot of good that comes out of being in the klan! A sense of community. A sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself. And some of the things they believe in, I also agree with. They believe in supporting strict environmental laws. They believe in balancing the budget. They stand behind states rights, and they strongly support veterans.
Just because a few radical individuals did some terrible things in the past in the name of the Klan, that has nothing to do with how the Klan is today! Besides, those people weren't true Klansmen. A real, modern Klansman would never act like that!
I can call myself a Klansman, even though I don't agree with everything they believe in. And I still go to a few Klan meetings each year, even though I disagree with some of their core tenets. I like the ceremonies, and some of the songs. I'm just choosing the parts that I like, and I'm going to with that, while I ignore the parts of The Klan that I disagree with.
So really, there's nothing wrong with The Klan, or being a member. It's just a personal matter of how an individual chooses to live their life.
I really don't understand why people have a problem with me being in the Klan!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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