"There are some crimes so heinous, I would have no trouble imposing the death penalty and even pulling the switch myself."
Ever hear of the quote by Friedrich Nietzche:
'He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he himself becomes a monster. And if you look into the abyss, the abyss will also look into you.'
Better keep those Commandments, Dennis, lest you allow your religious intolerance, bigotry and hatred free rein, with the inevitable, monstrous results.
Just ask fellow right-wing Fundamentalist Christian Timothy McVeigh. Oh yes, that's right - he was executed by lethal injection on 11th June 2001, after committing the Oklahoma City Bombing atrocity: 168 people - including 19 children murdered. Certainly a crime heinous enough to warrant the judge to sentence McVeigh to death.
And if the likes of McVeigh existed, then you can bet your arse he's not the only one out there with such poisonous attitudes.
Pro-Death Penalty-ist, execute thyself...
"I'm gonna get it for this:
I'd pull the switch on Bernado, or any child rapists, torturer out there or imprisioned at this time. There is absolute proof on many imprisioned people at this moment. Fuck them, dead."
Nope, no complaint from me. If only the death penalty hadn't been legislated out of existence here in the UK in the early 1960s, then Gary Glitter would've been shitting bricks on the plane back from Vietnam...