jw2234 #conspiracy shroomery.org

I agree with the first bit, but not the second bit and especially not with the third. I believe that they are here, now, interdimensionally, and I believe that while the speed limit of the universe must be the speed of light, there is a whole other world of interstellar transportation that we haven't imagined yet, and that thats simply the evolutionary stage were at. Once you combine the idea of astral projection with traveling in a ship made out of light, which is the commonly thought of transportation method for these interdimensional beings, the possibilities abound, simply because you can travel faster than the speed of light as THOUGHT, which is what you are when you astral project.

As for why I think they are here now, I believe that we are all family, I believe that its possible to incarnate into the life of an extraterrestrial being on a different planet than this one we are so fond of, and I am even starting to believe, based on the experiences I've had relatively recently, that I live lives as an unbelievably empowered extraterrestrial being as well. I think there is too much evidence in my personal experience and in the various places of the world where contact probably occurred, that extraterrestrials are here now, as is evidenced by the amount of reports constantly surging in, examples like the phoenix lights when over 10,000 people in arizona saw triangular ships travel over a large area of arizona, and the entirety of evidence of past encounters with ET beings, examples like the annunaki and the assyrians, like the nazca lines, etc. There is simply too much evidence to turn a blind eye and say one that there could be life out there, which there is without a single doubt, and that they aren't here and now possibly orbiting the planet, or at least are here on an interdimensional level. My personal experience validates this all entirely, which has convinced me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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