"Don't worry. The pain you avoid here will be administered to you in hell, unless you repent and come to Christ as personal savior."
Pain, eh? Just one word completely annihilates your argument, pal:
"Can we see the math on this one? How is taking drugs to avoid the pain of childbirth a ticket straight to hell?"
Oh, it's nothing more than fundies (including this one in particular) throwing a tammy-huff over the fact that the juggernaut that is science - and especially medical science - rolling inexorably on, filling those gaps, and generally destroying religious 'belief', and therefore religious control over people. I mean, even Smallpox - far deadlier than that old Biblical favourite, Leprosy (and that's easily treatable today) - science now has it in it's power to make that disease completely extinct. And I hear there's research into using a modified version of Thalidomide as a potential cure for HIV (thus making current onset-arresting anti-retroviral treatments obsolete). And then there's the notion of a gene-based tailored vaccine against AIDS in the works, too.
Thus another source of righteous indignation torn away from fundies. If science can not only completely cure Smallpox, but reduce it to a state of near-extinction; having the power over life and death over it, then what does the future hold for your claim that 'AIDS is God's vengeance against gays!', eh?!
Like I say: Smallpox. Science - 1. God - 0. It's only a matter of time, before that score becomes 2 - 0, fundies.