I can almost 99% guarantee you that Jeb Bush WILL BE OUR NEXT U.S. PRESIDENT IN 2016. The reason why is because criminals have hi-jacked our nation. They've stolen The White House just as President John F. Kennedy warned 10 days before he was assassinated. That's not the main reason they killed Kennedy; but rather, presidential directive 11110 dismantling the Federal Reserve's fraud. The first thing that Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson did after taking Kennedy's position was cancel directive 11110. Still, the Masonic powers behind America's subversion, the international banking cartel and the occult powers (spiritual wickedness in high places) wanted to silence Kennedy and make an example of him (which is why they killed him in broad daylight in a crowded place. They could have poisoned him. You can see the guards back away from the car just before Kennedy is assassinated. With few exceptions, Congress is afraid of the global elite.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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