OpenForDebatePMME #fundie


Fun fact: all users on the right are actual IT members except the bottom guy.

It is so ironic when someone who wants to chop of his working body organ and fetishize full body spandex calls others out for being mentally ill.

Like the sheer irony of it makes me question how can those fucks even for a second think they are even remotely right.

Which is why I think they make it a point to highlight the .01% of the posts of the outlandish retardedcels who say they support rape and murdering of jews.

Cause if IT even for a second considers the actual Incel content instead of the retarded non-sense that most of the times they post themselves for their upboats and soylent medals ,they have no arguments and no logic left on their side.

The old saying actual crazy people will never think they are crazy or question their sanity. That pretty much explains a lot of these insane fucks you see REEEEing today.

I think that might be true for the actually crazy ones, But in general a normal person would realize and see what is crazy.

Which makes it worse for them when compared to us cause we call out the pedos and nazis cause we still know what is wrong. While they will never call out a tranny who wants to cut of working body parts or a cuck for being an enabler. It doesn't take that much brain capacity to figure out being single mothers is almost always a choice and a bad one and you cannot demonize some one for not dating them.

Or calling out someone who wants to make permanent body damamging changes to a 12 year old by those disgusting hormonal treatments and all that garbage. There is a reason we don't allow teenagers to drive cars or vote or provide consent.

Which they agree with but all of that goes out the window as soon as it comes to trannies, Like really? Suddenly a person who isn't allowed to drive can make a life altering decision. It honestly makes me so angry. I have nothing against trannies do whatever you want but leave kids out of it and the normalizing of dangerous body changing procedures to remove healthy organs.

Cause it is like a spitting distance away from lobotomy.

Trannies are what's in fashion for the liberal group think hive mind so of course logic has to go out the door or else they will be cast away from their tribe if they dare speak against children wanting to cut their dicks off.

Humans are just a stupid monkey deep down and we will throw any logic out the door if that means most of us can fit into whatever dumb fucking tribe we feel we belong to.

When my sister Was around 13-4 she said she hated kids and never wants to have any of her own. according to their logic she should be allowed to get a hysteractomy

I mean the logic is the same right? And trannies can't reproduce either. So why not just allow everyone to remove and do what they want.

I know a 10 year old who would like to remove his kidney and sell it for a gaming pc. or this Emo kid who wants to insert metal rods inside his body to look more emo.

Why not let them all do what they want. Cause we let childrens feelings decide what is correct and what isn't.

And by that logic pedophilia can also be justified why not legalize it. I am sure there are 14-5 year old chicks who are willing to sleep with 70 year old geezers. Why not let them do what they want. Liberals make me sick.

I don't understand how those guys even dare to call themselves the better ones

I mean, there is a whole branch of feminism (TERFs) that is against trans people because they see us as oppressive to women somehow. Most of the current anti-trans backlash is coming from radical feminists. Feminists come up with most of the memes and arguments that the alt right ends up using. IT happens to be pro-trans but that could change at any time. tbh I think the trans movement fits better on the manosphere side of things rather than the SJW side. I have gender dysphoria and it's the main reason I'm an incel.

I have nothing agains trans people. Do what you want. I have problems when it comes to mutilation of children or even adults for that matter. Carving up body parts cause you feel like it is not good especially for children which is why I am also against circumcision.



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