Ok Telona, I'm looking at it. I've already spotted some problems.
The Brock Adams quote is logically incorrect. You can establish a one world government by uniting all people under a common religious dogma too. So, you know, just saying.
The Douglas Dewar thing is silly. Evolution offers no way for two simultaneously existing species to transform into each other. Mutations create NEW genetic information, not a copy of already establish genetic information in a species that cannot transfer its chromosomes into a non-matable species.
Douglas Dewar was also an ornithologist who died just three years after the discovery of DNA, long before the concept of genetic heredity and mutation was understood.
When the poster goes on about "half formed species" well, that is again, stupid. When creationists ask for half formed species nobody knows what they're asking for. You show them ambulocetus (a creature with both whale and land mammal characteristics) and they say "No no, that not what we meant." You show them evidence of feathers on theropod dinosaurs and teeth in early birds and they say "That's not the proof of evolution we're talking about."
These people could walk into a room, see a body with six bullets in the back and a smoking revolver covered in another man's fingerprints and say "Yeah, that's a weapon, some finger prints and a body, but I would go calling it EVIDENCE of murder."
The video brings up Piltdown Man (a controversial item from the day of it's unveiling and later disproved by trained, evolution believing, paleontologists) and Nebraska Man (A find by an amateur paleontologists, considered inconclusive by most paleontologists and disproven by paleontology later on).
The chart at 1:32 is almost completely lies. The bible quote in the corner indicates the liar was a Christian. For example Lucy was at least 3 ft. 7 in and the chart omits Homo Habilis, Homo Rudolphonis, 4+ other unearthed Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus anamensis and a lot of other important stuff.
It tries to distract you from the considerable number of fossil hominids with mixed lesser ape and human characteristics by showing one lie, three hoaxes and some misinformation.
A bit like saying "That cold fusion this was a hoax, so nuclear physics is a fake, just disregard nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants."
The next bit goes on how Erasmus Darwin was a Freemason. So was Was William Clark. Does that mean the Lewis and Clark expedition is a hoax? Is there really an American west coast or is it ai hoax?
Then the Freemasons are the Illuminati. Kinda skipped tracks there.
Then it claims "...no concrete evidence for evolution has been found..."
This is true if you ignore fossil evidence, genetic evidence, logic and short term evolutionary experiments.
It has information about the belief system of the Illuminati which is at best, speculative and at worst a provable falsification made by scam artists like Mike Warnke who claimed to be an Illuminati Satanist but whose college records show he was in Campus Crusade for Christ when his "autobiography" says he was the leader of a satanic coven.
Albert Pike is misquoted. The true quote is
"The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls! Doubt it not! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo, also, were inspired."
Still a bit kooky, but the context changes a lot, wouldn't you say?
THERE IS SO MUCH BULLSHIT IN THAT VIDEO. It occludes information, manipulates emotion and preys upon Christian fear and gullibility.
I looked at the video. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I now have room to talk.
BnBn spreads shit faster than a dog filled with chocolate. He propagates more lies and rumors than The World Weekly News. He's so gullible that he missed the payments on his time share because he sent all his money to the duke of Nigeria and Jack VanImpe.