Michael Savage #fundie rightwingwatch.org

Conservative talk show host Michael Savage said yesterday that he finds Hillary Clinton’s voice to be “very offensive,” expressing dismay at her “grating,” “hard voice.”

“What do you fear most about a Hillary presidency, other than hearing her grating voice for eight years?” he asked. “That’s the part I can’t take, it’s listening to her, that hard voice. It’s not that it scares me, it offends me deeply. I find it very offensive.”

He added: “I don’t like women who are not feminine. I don’t like hard women who are like men without, let’s put it this way, men without pants.”

Savage, a close ally of Donald Trump, said he doesn’t understand “why women are so excited about, ‘Oh she’s the first woman.’ In what sense is she the first woman president? What does that matter?”

While speaking to a caller, Dan, who said that he was also fearful of “listening to that shrill voice for the next eight years” along with Clinton’s “lust for absolute power,” Savage said that Clinton “will continue to attack the white male portion of the population” and “has a vendetta for white males.”

Clinton, according to Savage, plans on “importing” new voters and believes, “Give us all the minorities, give us all the gays, give us all the immigrants because eventually we will win by demographics. How can any white male ever vote for a Democrat? I’ll never understand. I don’t understand it because they’re digging their own grave.”



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