111 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
3d is locked down. there is another 'side' to 3d where what most perceive as reality is managed from, but nonetheless that other 'side' is still locked down from higher dimensions.
i know this because i've been there. (and, it isn't farting rainbows astral projection imaginations)
the allegory of 'the cave' is a fairly accurate representation of 3d being locked down. even if you get to 'the other side' you are still in a cave and you cannot get out.
it's totally locked down from everything higher (what some call heaven) because, simply put, you cannot be a douchebag and go to heaven.
there is a God, the Father. He is NOT what is written about in most of the texts here. He exists beyond time and space and every other dimension that you can't even imagine or comprehend because your soul has never been out of the cave.
He is eternal and all powerful over every aspect of Creation. You cannot commune with Him or communicate with Him. Basically He won't talk to you and you can't talk to Him because this place is locked down.
You cannot go to Heaven (get out of the cave) unless you do things the way they MUST be done. There is only ONE WAY things work in Heaven and sorry to tell you, you don't get to decide how it works there. Simply put, you do things His way or you don't go there because it works just fine and YOU AREN'T NECESSARY there.
this is incredibly important for you to understand....YOU AREN'T NECESSARY IN HEAVEN. understanding this fact is the beginning of true humility.
so in this cave everyone is 'recycled' - perpetually.
The reason it is said that God loves you is that you weren't completely destroyed once you fell and had to be put on lockdown. YOU WERE GIVEN CHANCES to 'evolve' your soul and be accepted back into heaven at some point.
anyone who tells you they've been to heaven is a LIAR - except Christ.
Christ came to get souls out of this cave and back into heaven by ending the lockdown. The lockdown can only end once there is 100% compliance with doing things the WAY THEY MUST BE DONE IN HEAVEN.
this is the reason certain souls must be destroyed (think, lake of fire). this is the reason there must be a judgement. no judgement, no one goes to heaven.
With God, all things are possible but He does not have infinite patience with those who refuse to do things His way - especially when those who refuse to do things His way prevent 'repentant' souls from going back because they're TOO STUPID AND TOO STUBBORN TO LEARN.
now ask me a question you fucking douchebags.