Texe Marrs #conspiracy texemarrs.com

[Marrs plugs his latest book. Only $35.]

Inspired by otherworldly dreams and visions, the Illuminati are globally creating a serpentine New Earth being readied for habitation by hordes of demonic invaders. Satanic architecture and Masonic monuments are an occultic type of "gospel in stone." The colossal, new architecture is built symbolically according to witchcraft and occult ritual and is being used to seduce and program peoples' minds; in effect—to seize and possess human souls.

Mysterious Monuments presents the undeniable, thrilling truth that architecture is much more than a collection of statues, monuments, and buildings made of stone, brick, mortar, wood, steel, and glass. Architecture is power. It has become the chief vehicle of satanic treachery on this planet and is thus endowed with all the trappings of prophetic destiny.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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