Yes, Don, he could have 'stated his response more accurately'.
He could not, however, have stated it any less accurately.
"the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is actually an imposter"
Like: The REAL Donald J. Trump died at least 30 years ago! The 'Donald Trump' that boasted about grabbing pussies and got himself elected US president (against HOW many people's expectations?) is a lookalike that has been posing as him ever since!
We have a president who fights with mames, we have a president who fights with memes. I, I, wow I have to responds.
"the real story is all of the illegal leaks"
but when the leaks were coming out of the DNC, hillary, podesta, etc that was just fine right?
a little consistency is all i ask for
As pointed out by real news.
Trumps administration is more concerned about it getting out than the reality of the info. Collusion with Russian officials for profit, ramming through restrictive edicts to civil rights, open season on public income protections, removing all regulations designed to protect the public from banks, corporations pollution and gun violence, and yelling at any press that dare question them. Yeah, that's all fine.
That's a more open transparent Government, how?
The Trumpies are all in full serf mode now, they'll accept anything from the great Orange Messiah. Ohh, what's this? Medicare's going out? Somehow this'll be for the best, the Billionaires will pay our bills, Right? What do you mean we pay theirs?
He isn't Donald Trump, he's another guy with the same name.
Looks like the speech writers are trying to take over.
Perhaps Donald's Facebook account was hacked. We can all see that he personally didn't pen this little missive; it's far too coherent for him.
Just wait, Donald. The CIA & all the other alphabet agencies, both here & abroad, will destroy you. It doesn't matter how many US attorneys you fire or how many sycophants you surround yourself with. Your own ego & boundless paranoia will do you in.
Right. Let's be more concerned about the leaks than the accuracy of the information, which shows your staff has been breaking the law. Right up there with people who, when drugs are found on them, complain about it being an illegal search.
Everyone on this page needs to think themselves lucky they can still discuss the president in this critical manner. Considering he is widely regarded as a dictator in principle, it may not be long before social media becomes a target of zealous censorship and is policed to root out undesirables. He seems to be turning into a Western Erdogan. Where will it end? When CBS and CNN are excluded from press briefings, but Breitbart and Fox News are allowed in, this is not a good sign of what is to follow.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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