Internet porn is a conspiracy to drain men's natural sexual energy
Porn was always available, but it was never so widespread and so compulsive to look at. Now there are thousands of videos available at the click of a mouse.
The more you watch porn, the more you will drain your natural God-given sexual energy. Then, when you meet real women you won't be motivated to pursue them. You may even have trouble getting erections, depending on how old you are.
You may also develop anxiety and depression and generally have less motivation to do anything in life. This happens slowly over time, over many years, so you may not notice until it's too late.
Once you're thoroughly addicted, you won't know how to be happy without porn. You'll be trapped inside a Hellish Internet fantasy world. Porn is living death.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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