You aren't calling for Josh Buggar's head. Or of those of all other right-wingers and/or fundie Christains. Therefore you condone what they did.
...but then, not exactly condemning what your 'God' did to Mary: the underage child bride; as if he committing Adultery wasn't enough. But then, if your 'God' could do exactly the same, then I guess that's why Josh did the same, eh...?!
The question you have yet to answer with a simple 'Yes' or 'No': is Josh Buggar 'Saved' because he is a righteous Christian? Is Tony Alamo? And the only way he's leaving prison is in a box for his crime of Statutory Rape: exactly what your 'God' did to Mary. Underage =/= consent. Certainly Informed.
Is Jerky 'Saved' because he is a righteous Christian, KDC4G? Because by his own admission:
He's effectively done the same thing what Alamo did. He's a Paedophile Facilitator.
Paedo God, paedo followers, I guess.
And I guess that the fact you pop up whenever these sort of quotes pop up speaks volumes of your own fundie Paedophilia Apologetics: therefore you condone what the likes of Josh, Tony, Jerky & Dell do. And more besides.
As per anything pertaining to homosexuality for Antbrain, kiddy-diddling Christain fundies - and your condoning of what they do, despite their being convicted of their crimes in courts of law - you're becoming quite the 'Single Issue Wonk' yourself, KDC4G.
I'd stop digging that hole of FAIL whenever you deign to show your Christain paedo nonce-supporting face in FSTDT, if I were you: by never returning to FSTDT.
It's the only possible way you'll convince anyone you - and your 'God' - don't support paedo nonces such as Alamo, Buggar & all their (God)kin. There's an extremely good reason why the likes of Gary Glitter, Max Clifford & Rolf Harris are utterly destroyed here in the UK, now they were convicted in a court of law for their paedophilic crimes. The fact that nonces like them are regarded as lower than the AIDS virus by the vast majority of the British public - and our attitudes to inferior subhumans such as Glitter, Clifford, Harris, Alamo, Buggar et al - have something to do with it.
Would a normal human being so much as think of committing such unjustifiable crimes, KDC4G? Least of all those who subjectively think they have the right to think they are 'Saved' & righteous? Least of all think they have the right to think of being judgemental about anyone not exactly like them: least of all a certain deity who committed the sin of Adultery & the worse-than sin of Statutory Rape? Yes or No. But then, as you fundies are so fond of saying, re. your insane justification of the retarded fairytale that is Biblical Creationism, in favour of superior empirical secular peer reviewed scientific facts of Evolution, 'We are all made in your God's image'...!
Thus if your 'God' is an inferior subhuman paedophile, re. his committing Statutory Rape against the underage child bride Mary, therefore...! [/Tony Alamo]
I'd throw away that tool you're using to dig that hole of FAIL of yours deeper if I were you, pal: Condoning paedo nonce fundie Christains.
Otherwise, why don't the Buggars have a successful TV career & high standing in public to this day? Why isn't Tony Alamo free as a bird...?
Like the previous question, I doubt you'll answer that one. But then, your refusal to do so, certainly to our satisfaction - and therefore condemn fundie Christain/right-wing paedo nonces by demanding their heads, as per we in the UK, re. Glitter & co. - basically answers it for us. Your own silence in condemning them condemns you, KiddyDiddlingCondoner4God.
If a prominent Atheist were to be exposed, arrested & convicted for Statutory Rape - as per your own 'God', re. Mary - would you say that was 'Alleged' too...?!
...it's okay, we'll give you a pass on that argument-annihilating question [/Doug Piranha-levels of Sarcasm]. After all: you're good at passing simple questions that would completely obliterate your very right to think the way you do.
...oh, and my answer to that first simple question I've asked you time & again is even easier: No. So what's your excuse for not doing the same: time and again, re. fundie Christain paedos...?!
Ergo, your actual screename: KiddyDiddlingCondoner4God. Because that's what your 'God' does; I refer you to him & Mary: the underage child bride already betrothed to Joseph.: Adultery and Statutory Rape. His & Josh Buggar's worse-than sins, thus we Atheists are more than infinitely superior to your 'God', you & all your Christain worse-than sinner ilk. Adam & Eve for the likes of you, Josh Buggar for us: his worse-than sins tar all you right-wing fundie Christains, and you & your 'God' forfeit the right to be judgemental about anyone not exactly like you in perpetuity. Therefore we can judge, pointing our infinitely superior & holier-than-thou fingers at your morally inferior 'God', as we do at the likes of the convicted in a court of law Glitter, Clifford, Harris, Alamo & Godkin. J'accuse!
The prosecution rests.
...oh, and a little question for Jerkiepoos: Is KDC4G a 'Real Christian' like you?
He must be, if he's a paedophilia condoner like you admitted to being in the above link, Jerkoid.
How do you know that KDC4G doesn't use the NIV, ESV, NLV, NASB, NIRV*...?!
*- As opposed to the 'NERV': it does say on it's cover 'God's In His Heaven, All's Right With The World'. [/"Neon Genesis Evangelion"] >:D
It's what Gendo Ikari has on his desk; referring to it from time to time, in his plans for the Human Instrumentality Project. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]