"I am asking myself, "Why would a bunch of people spend so much time protesting against a deity they are convinced doesn't exist?"
In the same way I, and everyone here on FSTDT (as well as every Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Wiccan etc - and decent Christian & Muslim out there) are asking ourselves 'Why do a bunch of right-wing fundies spend so much time imposing their 'morals', and way of thinking upon people who don't want your idea of a Theocracy? Also, if you don't want to be 'Persecuted', then just keep your twisted 'beliefs' to yourselves'.
"to be fair"
Since Obama was elected, you've never shown any fairness towards your new President, nor his policies. Do I have to remind you on Ruptured Retards about Romans 13:1-7? Hypocrisy, thy name is Fundie.
"Why would a bunch of people spend so much time protesting against a deity they are convinced doesn't exist?"
As the phrase goes: 'It's not God we hate, it's his fan club we can't stand.' And anyway, to quote Sun Tzu (from his "The Art of War"):
'Know your enemy and know yourself. And you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.'
Which is why we read the Bible. All of it. So we can use your own Scripture as your own weapon against you.
Like I say, want the 'Persecution' to stop, and thus deny we at FSTDT of most of our material? Stop being the Religious Right, who think you have to be moralistic control freaks, imposing your opinions & beliefs upon everyone who don't want such. Either keep your beliefs to yourselves, instead becoming left-wing, quiet, introverted, reserved, meek, humble, unopinionated people Christians are supposed to be. Or become Atheists.
It's your choice.